Chapter 2

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(Emily pov)

I woke up and did my usual morning routine. I did my makeup and got dressed. After today I had one more day and I wouldn't have to go back to that hell hole. Me and Cameron were going to do online schooling along with everyone else. We were going to be traveling for weeks at a time.

I changed into a pair of baggy black sweatpants and a shirt.

Cam drove me to school and I walked to my locker. I grabbed the things I needed for first period. Surprisingly nobody, pushed, punched, tripped or shoved me today.

*End of school day*

I walk out the building only to be grabbed by Jack. He held me while Ryan, Nash, Ava and Kayla kicked and punched me.

All I wanted to do was fall to the ground and cry in pain.

All I wanted to do at this moment was lay there and die.

Nash punched me in the jaw. There was a huge crowd gathered around us. By the look on all their faces you can tell they were shocked. Jack Johnson more than anyone. Ryan punched me a few times along with Ava, Kayla and Nash. Jack finally threw me to the ground and they all kicked me in the stomach once before they all walked away.

What did I do to ever deserve any of this?

I walked home and unlocked the door. Cameron was home but he was in the kitchen. I ran to my room before he can see me or even say hi.

I locked the door behind me and felt the tears falling from my eyes harder than ever.

Why does this happen to me?

I don't deserve this I never did anything to them. But then again maybe I do.

There's a reason nobody likes me. Nobody likes me and I'm a fucking screw up. Everything I do I mess up. There's a reason for everything.

What am I going to do when we're on tour and I see Nash and Jack. I can't pretend everything is okay when it's really not. They bullied me for two years, I can't just forget and pretend nothing happened.

I pulled out my blade and cut for every thing that was wrong with me.

"Everyone hates you"

"Your just a piece of trash that someone left behind"

"Your ugly"

"Nobody cares if you die"

"Fat ass bitch. Just die already."

All this and many more. All from Nash's mouth, in his own words.

I walked to the bathroom and wiped away the blood. I put on multiple bracelets. Makeup was all over my face. Mascara and eye liner ran down my face, I wiped away the makeup and saw I had bruises on my face from when Nash punched me earlier. I cover up the bruises with some concealer and I walked over to my bed. Tears were still falling from my eyes, I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't get out all the emotional and physical pain they caused me over the past years.

My stomach still hurt. I lifted up my shirt to find bruises covering my stomach. They were everywhere.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Could his timing be any worst?

"Go away." I said

"Em what's wrong?"

"Unlock the door."

"Em please."

It was Cam. I don't feel like talking. I don't feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to be alone.

"Cameron please just leave."

"Em talk to me." He pleaded

"I just want to be alone." I said and started to sob into my pillow.

(Cameron pov)

I heard the door open and close. There were footsteps going upstairs. I'm pretty sure it was Emily. She went upstairs into her room. She closed the door behind her.

Normally she would say hi before going up to her room. I finished my bowl of cereal and she still hasn't come back downstairs.

I went upstairs and knocked on her door. I could hear her soft cries.

Something was wrong.

"Go away" She said.

"Em what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

She was my baby sister. Why wouldn't I be?

She wasn't answering me.

"Unlock the door." I say but there's no response. I can still hear her soft cries.

"Em please."

She finally responded.

"Cameron please just leave."

"Em talk to me."

"I just want to be alone." She said and I nodded my head even though she couldn't see me.

I turned around and walked away. I heard her scream into her pillow. I hate seeing her like this. She wont even tell me what's wrong.

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