Chapter 70 rewrite

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*I added a picture of the dress on chapter 68 because it wasn't showing up the first time. So if you want to see the dress go check out chapter 68*

(Emily pov)

The limo pulled up to 'The Loeb Boathouse Central Park'. (which is a fancy restaurant in NYC btw)

We thanked the driver and Shawn got out the limo and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I say as I get out the car

"Your welcome" He says and grabs my hand. We walk into the restaurant and we walked up to the usher.

"Hello. How may I help you?" The lady asks with a warm comforting smile.

"Hi. We have reservations under Mendes." Shawn says and the lady who's name tag says kathy went looking through a few papers then she looked up at us and smiled.

"Right this way." She said picking up two menus and guiding us to the tables out back.

She put the two menus down on the table and Shawn pulled out my chair for me. I thanked him and he smiled at me.

"You know you say thank you a lot, right?" He says sitting down in his chair.

I looked through the menu and everything and I mean EVERYTHING was $31 to $50.

"Shawn, this is expensive."

"It's okay babe. Order whatever you want."

"Shawn-" I was cut off

"Babe it's fine." He says with a smile. He grabs my hand under the table and begins to caress the back of my hand with his thumb.

I look out at the water. It was calm and you can see the lights from the restaurant reflecting on the water. The sunset was in the background making it look beautiful.

I finally get back into reality and look through the menu. I decided on 'the boathouse wedge salad'

The waiter came and we ordered our drinks. Since we were 'underage' and we couldn't have wine or champagne so we both just got water.

We ordered our food and we talked about somethings. We talked about 'us' and we exchanged some of our funny childhood memories.

The food eventually Came and we ate our food occasionally making small talk.

"Do you want desert?" Shawn asked

"No thanks. I'm actually full and you already spent a lot of money tonight."

The waiter came back and we asked for the bill. He came back with the bill and I tried to take a peak but Shawn wouldn't even let me take a glance at it.

It just bothers that he's spending so much money on me and won't let me pay.


I finally got a glance at the bill and it was a little over $100.

"Shawn your paying over $100, let me help you pay." I offered but he refused

"Your not paying a penny." Shawn says and I sigh

"Why don't you ever let me pay?"

"Don't worry about it." He says and kisses my forehead.

I sigh and let him pay the bill. Once we payed we left and decided we should take a walk in central park so we did. It was so beautiful.

We walked into the beautiful park and the sun was almost fully set.

Shawn stopped walking and he turned to face me.

Then I heard someone singing Adore you by Miley Cyrus.

*if I was you I would listen to Adore you rn*

Shawn grabbed both my hands into his and he smiled down at me.

Even in high heels I was still shorter than him.

"Emily, ever since the day I met you I was in love. You mean the world to me. You drive me crazy but in a good way. We don't always get along but I always find my way back to you. Whenever I tell you that I love you, I mean it with all my heart. When I'm not with you, I'm nothing. Your my happiness, the reason for my smile and the love of my life, I'll give up the world just to be with you. Without you, I don't know what I would do. I'm the night sky and your the stars that fill them. If you haven't realized your my everything and without you I'm nothing. You helped me get through so many and I helped you. We're a perfect match. And I know I messed up in the past but I promise I won't make those same mistakes." Shawn said and I wiped away the tears falling down my face.

Shawn got on one knee and began to speak again. This time he was only holding one hand and the other was in his pocket.

"Without you my life just isn't complete." He paused for a moment before starting again.

"Emily Elizabeth Mari Dallas will you marry me?"  He said and opened up the ring box revealing the silver ring with little diamonds going around it and a large diamond in the middle.

I look up to see Cameron and Taylor holding up a sign saying 'Say Yes'

I was speechless so I just nodded my head in agreement.

"Yes" I finally choke out

Shawn slid the ring on my finger and stood up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my lips onto his. He kissed back and we made out for a few minutes. We finally broke away when we realized that we were in a park and everyone was watching us.

"SHE SAID YES!" Shawn yelled and smashed his lips on mine one last time.

I heard everyone cheering cheering behind us and even some people nearby were cheering.

This is definitely the best days of my life so far.

"I think we should've used waterproof makeup." Mahogany says causing everyone to laugh.

Shawn and I walked hand in hand all the way back to the hotel with everyone following behind us. I occasionally kissed his cheek on the walk back and he would just look down and smile at me.

"I love you" I say and see Shawn smile

"I love you more" he says back to me


"Possible." He says and kisses my forehead.



Sorry I had to re write this chapter. It wasn't showing up on the last chapter so this is for the people who couldn't read it.

Plus I added a few extra lines. Shhh dont tell anyone.

LUV YA!!!!

Sadly this story is coming to an end.


Smile it's contagious!

And you never know. Your smile could be the reason for someone else's smile.

Idk im lame.

~ Ahrayal Mendes ~






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