Chapter 4

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(Shawn pov)


The most beautiful walking creature I have ever laid my eyes on. She had beautiful long light brown hair and brown eyes. Her smile was contagious. Whenever she smiled I smiled back. I really hope to get close to her on this tour.

Bart assigned our rooms.

Me and Nash, we connect rooms with Aaron and Carter.

Cam and Emily shared a room. They connect rooms with Azucena and Aileen. Taylor's sisters.

Mahogany shares a room with Jacob and they connect with Jack and Jack.

Matt and Hayes share a room and they connect with Taylor. He has his own room to himself, but its going to look like we all stayed in there by the time we leave.

We went up to our rooms and started to unpack.

(Emily pov)

"Cam" I whined

"What" He said in a mocking tone

"Can you unpack my things?"

"Do I get paid?" He asked sarcastically


"Then No" He says jumping on the bed next to me.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back towards him. I'm too tired for this shit. I closed my eyes and right when I was about to sleep Cameron Jumps on top of me.

"CAMERON!" I yell and he laughs

It actually hurts considering I had bruises from the other day still all over my stomach. I get up off the bed holding my stomach. Fuck.

"What's wrong baby sis?" He asks

"Your fat ass hurt me." I said in a duh tone.

"Ouch that hurt." Cam said playfully gasping and holding his heart.

"You'll get over it" I said and walked into the bathroom. I lift my shirt up to see the bruises. They haven't gone away. I touch one and cringe at the pain. It still really hurt.

"What happened?" I heard a voice and my eyes go wide.


"How did you get in I thought I locked the door?" I asked shocked.

"You actually left it cracked. Answer my question why do you have bruises on you body?" He asked

"It's nothing" I say and try to walk away.

He grabs my bad arm and I cringe at the pain.

"Em." He says seriously and he rolls up the sleeves on my sweatshirt.

His eyes start to water.

"Why?" He asked

"Cam..." I was cut off

"Why" he said raising his voice.

I looked down in shame.


"DON'T YELL AT ME." I yell back as tears fell from my eyes.

I stormed off and walked down the hallway. I ended up in front of Shawn's door. I knocked and Nash answered.

"Is Shawn here?" I mumbled

"Um... yeah. Is everything okay?" He asked

"Don't act like you care now." I said slightly raising my voice. He put his hands up in defeat and he got Shawn for me.

"Shawn" I said with my voice shaking.

Shawn was the only one I knew well enough to keep a secret, so far. I wasn't going to tell him anything I just needed to be with someone.

"Shh it's okay. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head no.

He nodded and kissed my forehead making me smile for half a second.

"What do you want to do?" Shawn asked me

"I don't know"

"Do you want to go to Starbucks? Just me and you."

"But I look like a mess" I playfully whined

"You look fine" Shawn said looking down at me.

Starbucks was only down the street. Me and Shawn walked there and we talked about us. I told him a few things but not to many to give anything away. We got to Starbucks and we ordered our drinks. I pull out my wallet and Shawn slaps my hand away.


"I'm paying." He says

Were not even dating. I don't even think we're friends with benefits. We're just friends. He was the only person I really knew out of everyone else. Yeah I know Mahogany Azucena and Aileen, we had a real conversation earlier but with Shawn there was something different. The way his chocolate brown eyes looked into mine. With him I can get my mind off a lot of things. I feel like I'm not being completely open and honest, I'm hiding a lot of things but I'm worried once he'll find out he might leave me.

We got our drinks and went back to the hotel. When we arrived we realized that the hotel was surrounded by teenage girls. Fans. We walked in through the crowd and we tried not to get noticed.

"SHAWN!" One girl yelled in my ear. Shawn took pictures and signed a few things before going inside. It's cute that he loves his fans so much. He looks so happy when he talks to them.

"Shawn who's that ugly slut?" One girl asked. She was short and had long ombre hair. She was wearing a crop top with high waisted jeans.

"Her name is Emily and she's not ugly or a slut." He said. His smile was gone now.

He grabbed my arm the bad one of course. Once we were inside he looked down at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked

He's so sweet.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said with a fake smile.

No I'm really not fine. I came here to get away from all my troubles but they always end up following. Nash and Jack are here and to top that I've only been with the guys for less than a day and I'm already being called an ugly slut.

"It's okay, she was just jealous. She wants to be you." He said and my fake smile turns into a real one.

He actually cares.

"Thank you" I say and hug him. We walk upstairs and I go back to me and Cam's room.

I open the door and Cam is sitting on the bed talking to Nash.

What is this life?

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