Chapter 58

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(Shawn pov)

We walked into the hospital room to see Emily laying their lifeless. She had a broke leg, a fractured wrist, two broke ribs and a concussion. It's hard seeing my beautiful girlfriend just laying there.

I walked over to her and sat down next to her. I grabbed her cold pale hand and just looked at her. Another tear slipped out of my eyes than another.

"I love you" I whispered to her and kiss the top of her hand.

We all sat around and waited for her to wake up. The doctors don't know shen she'll wake up or if she'll ever wake uo

Cam looked worse than I did and I just lost my baby and my girlfriend is in a coma.

Nobody dared to say anything.

We literally sat their staring at Em or eachother listening to the steady beat of the heart monitor.

"Visiting hours are over. One of you may stay." One of the nurses come in and say.

We nod and decide that Cam should stay. We all go back to our house and I go straight to my room and try to fall asleep. Nothing was working. I ended up staying up all night.

(Cameron pov)


I was sitting on the couch crying into my hands. I just caught Brianna sleeping with some other guy.

I think his name was blake, Jake, Rake, Cake I mean who knows what that guys name was, he was irrelevant.

Emily came downstairs and tried to comfort me.

"Cam what's wrong" she says sitting next to me.

"Brianna and I just broke up and your part of the reason why." I raised my voice.

"How am I the reason why you guys broke up?" She asked

"If you weren't such a bitch to her maybe we would still be together. Your a selfish bitch who always ruins everything for me. I hope your baby doesn't turn out like you. You mess everything up.Everything you've ever done you messed up. Your the biggest mistake our mom has ever mad, I don't even know why your here. I hate you!" I yell at her.

I see the tears starting to form in her eyes. She doesn't bother to say anything else she just runs up to her room and locks the door behind her.

End of flashback

What the hell was I saying earlier? Of course this wasn't her fault.

I let another tear slip from out of my eyes.

I can't let her die. Not now at least. I can't have my baby sister die when we just had a huge argument and I'm the reason she's in this situation.

I held her hand and began to cry even harder.

"Em I don't know if you can hear me but I just need you to know one thing. All those things I said earlier I didn't mean. Your not the reason why me and Brianna broke up and. I don't hate you. I love you. How can I ever hate you? You've been there for me from the start. Although your 16 I still call you my baby sister, because I don't want you do grow up. We've had the best times together when we were younger. We hardly ever fought. Please dont leave me Em. I need you. I don't know what I would do if you were gone, especially when I know it's my fault."  I take a break before speaking again "Stay with me." I whisper before letting more tears fall from my eyes.

I let out a weak smile thinking about all of our childhood memories.

"Remember when you were 7. We were at our grandparents house and you thought you would be cool if you jumped off of the roof like Kyle and Adrian did. We tried to convince you not to do it but you did anyways. You got on top of the roof and tried to jump into the pool but you ended up falling onto the deck. You couldn't move your arm so we called Grandpa and we had to take you to the emergency room and you ended up breaking your left arm."

I thought of some other memories.

"Remember when you were 9 and grandma and grandpa took us to disney land. We rode on every ride not caring about anything else in the world. I remember Kyle adrian and I were looking at the Map to find out which ride we wanted to go on next. We looked back to ask you what you wanted to do but you weren't there. We all went looking for you but we couldn't find you. We eventually found you in front of the bathrooms crying. I calmed you down and promised you that I will always be there for you. We then brought you an ice cream sandwich in the shape of micky mouse for leaving you." I smiled at the though of all of us. "And I'm still here. I'm not going to leave you Em. I will never lose hope for us."

Kyle and Adrian were our twin cousin. They're both now 18 and I'm 20. We haven't seen them in a while. Back then our grandparents basically took care of us, our mother was always working and our dad was in the military so I didn't get to see him as much. But when we did see him he treated Emily like a princess. Our dad basically spoiled us. I remember that horrible Friday afternoon like ot was yesterday.


I just got home from another day at school. I went into the kitchen to grab some of Emily's oreos and milk. I don't no what Emily's obsession with oreos is. She writes her name on all the packs of oreos in the house. But anyways poured a glass of milk and walked into the living room with my plate of cookies and milk. Emily was going to be home soon so I watched a little tv before she came home. I was in senior year of high school at the time meaning Emily was just starting high school so she was in the 9th grade. (This is when she started getting bullied)

Emily came home and threw her stuff on the floor like always. "IT'S FRIDAY" She yells and I laugh. Emily was always the one to be happy. She never looked sad.

"Hey those are my oreos" she says and takes the plate of oreos and starts to eat them.

"I don't remember you going into the kitchen and getting them" I say and take the plate back playfully.

"The pack has my name on them" She stands up and walks into the kitchen. She grabs the pack of oreos and a glass of milk and walks into the living room with them. "See it says Emily Dallas. Not Cameron Dallas." She says and puts a cookie into her mouth.

This girl and her oreos.

Then the door bell rang. Me and Em raced towards the door. I opened the door and there stood two military guys with a flag in their hands.

"Your father Mr.Dallas has died yesterday at 3:46 pm in an attack we were not aware of. We are sorry for your loss." One of the guys with a uniform says.

Emily falls to her knees and crys. Tears fall from my eyes too. The last time he saw us, he told us that we were his everything and he loved us so much.

We loved our dad. We always stayed on touch with him. We wrote emails and sent letter to him with a picture of Emily, Mom and I.

The army men said their final condolences and then left. This has to be some type of cruel joke. He promised us that he'll always be safe. But this time they just wasn't aware.

We finally had the courage to walk back to the couch and just sit there. There was nothing to say. I just sat their and thought about all the happy memories we all shared as a family. After that day nothing was the same.

End of flashback

"I love you Em." I said and closed my eyes and drifted off into a light slumber and then all at once.


Long chapter. Sorry.

Please go read @Azugrier book. It would really mean a lot. Thanks.

Follow my twitter @Ahrayal_Mendes I follow back.

I love you all. If you ever need to talk just message me.

Okay bye.




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