Chapter 12

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(Cameron pov)

Its been days and nothing has changed. We postponed magcon so we can be here with Emily and help her fight this battle. The fans found out what had happened to Emily. Honestly nobody knows how it got out, it just did. But she's been getting more hate than usual. Then there are the fans who are wishing her the best. I don't get why the fans have to be so rude, she hasn't done anything to them to deserve hate. Yeah her and Shawn are unofficial but that doesn't mean they have to hate on her. Why can't they just be happy for them or not say anything at all.

We are all sitting around talking and I looked over at Emily she was moving.

"Jacob go get the doctor." I say with a smile on my face

"Why?" He asked

"Look." I say and point to Emily. They noticed and everyone started to smile.

She opened her eyes completely and she looked at us confused.

"Who are you people and where am I." She says

You cant be serious. We all sigh. She doesn't remember us.

The doctor came in and told us that they had to take a few test and we had to leave. We all got up and walked out the hospital room.

"Lets go get something to eat." Hayes says we all agree and we walk down the street to taco bell.

We got our food and ate it. Then we went to get a bunch of balloons and stuffed animals for her.

We went back to the hospital. We put all the things in the hospital room. We sat down and the doctor came over to us.

"Emily lost her memory temporarily she doesn't remember much but eventually she will gain her memory back. It could take days or even a few weeks. We prescribed her some antidepressants to help her. When we send her home later this week someone has to keep a close eye on her." The doctors says and I agree.

"Okay thank you." I say and he walks away.

At least it's not permanent.

For the rest of the day we sat around with Emily and talked to her. We tried to help her gain her memory back and it's slowly working. We really only got her to remember our names and a few other things. Nothing really important. I showed her pictures from our childhood but she couldn't remember a lot.

(Emily pov)

Once everyone left I attempted to fall asleep.

"Em just jump." Cameron yelled

"Okay I'm coming." I said and jumped off the edge of the boat landing in the cold water. "It's cold!" I screeched.

"You'll be fine. Come on I'll race you to beach!" Cameron said and started swimming away.

"That's no fair you cheated." I said and started swimming after him eventually catching up and beating him to the beach.

"How did you do that?" Cam asked laying down on the sand and I shrugged my shoulders.

We walked around on the island for a little. I looked around and I realized Cam was gone.

"Cameron!" I yelled but there was no response. "Cameron this isn't funny." I yelled and continued walking around looking for him. "Cameron come out, your scaring me." I yell and continue looking for him.

Arms wrap around my waist and picks me up. I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Calm down, it's just me." Cam says laughing and puts me down

"That wasn't funny." I say and push him out the way. I walk past him.

"It kinda was." He said following behind me.

"Whatever." I say and roll my eyes

"Aww come on you cant be mad." He says in a playful voice

"Well I am."

"I'm your big brother and you love me to much." He says and kisses me on the cheek.

"Eww gross." I say wiping away his kiss.

"You know you love me." Cam says and I shake my head no.

He stops walking and I continue. He runs up behind me and picks me up.

"Cameron put me down!" I squeal

"Do you forgive me?" He asks

"No." I say and he throws me into the freezing cold water. "CAMERON!" I screech and he just laughs.

He jumps in the water after me and we swim back to the boat since it was getting late.

I woke up and looked around the room.

Am I remembering stuff?

Jack G and Nash use to bully me everyday for the past two years along with Ryan and there girlfriends. But I forgave them.

Cameron is my older brother who has always been there for me. I was just to blind to see.

Matthew is my 'best friend' in his words.

Hayes is like a little brother. He's so fun to be around but he can get too carried away at times.

Carter and Jack J was there for me. They were also like brothers that I never had. They were funny and reliable. If I ever needed to talk I knew I could go to them.

Jacob told me I was perfect. He told me I didn't need to change to be loved by anyone because I was perfect the way I was and that I already had people here that loves me.

Taylor is loud and fun. He's always up. He's super playful but he's serious when he needs to. He's like another Cameron.

Mahogany, Azucena and Aileen are like sisters. We talk about so many random things.

Shawn. Where do I begin, I heard him talking to me everyday. I couldn't recognize his voice at first but now I know it was him. When I first opened my eyes I didn't recognize him, I didn't recognize any of them but when he spoke I automatically knew it was him that was talking to me. He said he cared about me, he told me that they all cared. I'm pretty sure he even kissed my forehead a few times. Shawn was my unofficial boyfriend and I loved it. He actually cared about me.

They all cared but I was just being stupid and only thinking about myself. I didn't stop to think how would anyone feel if I actually did die.

Even though I've only been with them for a day and a half there are so many great things I can say about them. The fact that they've been here with me the whole time I was in a coma because of something stupid that I did. They didn't have to be here but they were.

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