Chapter 50

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(Emily pov)

"Hey babe." Shawn said wrapping his arms around my waist and leaving small kisses down my neck.

"Shawn not right now" I push him off me

"Is everything alright?" He asked

Does it look like everything's alright?

"No. I obviously don't want to be here. I never wanted to come. Can we just leave?" I asked

"Nope." Shawn says with a smirk

Why are they all acting so weird?

"Whatever I'm leaving." I say and start to walk away but he grabs my hand.

"Shawn let go of me." I say and pry my hand out of his grip.

I just want to go home eat a gallon of chocolate ice cream and watch the new episodes of switched at birth they put on netflix.

"I'm not allowed to let you leave." Shawn says following me.

"Well to bad."

"We've only been here for twenty minutes, at least stay until they announce homecoming king and queen."

"Why so I can see some snotty bitch who thinks they're everything dance around with some man whore. I rather not." I say and attempt to start walking away.

Shawn just wont stop.

(Shawn pov)

Little does she know she's the snotty bitch who thinks they're everything.

Not my words hers.

And apparently I'm the man whore.

Again not my words.

Nash and the Jacks somehow got our names on the ballet and convinced everyone to vote for us.

They did this to make her feel special and like a princess.

But she just needs to stay around for ten more minutes to see why we're making her stay.

She gonna kill me now but in ten minutes shes going to love me.


"Emily your staying." I said more sternly.

"No I'm not." She says and walks towards the door.

"Stay for me please." She looks at me and shakes her head.

I grab her by the waist and pull her into me.

She is so loveable but yet so stubborn.

"Babe stay." I whined and kissed her nose

"Shawn let go of me." She says and tries to get out of my grip which only gets tighter anytime she tries to 'break free'

She seriously wants to leave.


"It's time to announce the homecoming court." The principal says.

Couldn't he announce this a little earlier?

"Em your staying" I say and she sighs.

"Fine but I'm leaving after they dance." She says

I have a feeling your not.

"Okay" I say and we pay attention to the principal dude.

I loosely wrapped my arms around Em's waist while she was standing in front of me.

Basically they had three princesses and three princes.

The princesses were Jennifer, Rachel and Madison.

(I forgot to mention Madison is Madison Beer if it wasn't obvious already)

The princes were Gilinsky, Johnson and Nash.

Well it makes sense they were the three most popular guys that actually attended this school.

"Now the moment we've all been waiting for. The Homecoming Queen of 2014 is Emily Dallas!" I looked down at her and she looked shocked.

Well that makes sense too. She didn't even know she was running.

I give her a slight push and she walks up to the stage. The put the tiara on her head and they even give her a sash.

"Your homecoming king of 2014 is Shawn Mendes!"

Not a shocker.

I walk up to the stage and accept my crown and scepter.

My queen was standing right in front of me with the hugest smile on her face.

I cup her cheek with my open hand and start to lean in to kiss her when we were stopped by some girl yelling.

That girl Olivia. The captain of the cheer squad.

"That tiara is suppost to be mine. Why should some suicidal freak get to be homecoming queen. She doesn't even go to school here. The votes were obviously rigged. Nobody likes her so why would we vote her for homecoming queen. Obviously it should be me!" She yelled

Thanks. Note the sarcasm.

Well someone's a little jealous.

Emily runs off stage and I chase after her. "Emily wait." I call after her.

The entire dance was silent you can hear a penny drop.

Soon Taylor, Matt, Cam, Nash, The Jacks, Carter, Aaron, Hayes, Jacob, Mahogany, Azucena and Jessica follow behind me.

This was suppost to be a good night but of course some self centered bitch had to ruin everything.

Excuse my language but it's true.

Whenever Emily gets a little bit of happiness someone always had to ruin something.

Now I have to worry about her cutting or trying to commit. We haven't told Cam or any of the guys yet, we kinda gotten a little busy.

(Emily pov)

I won homecoming queen and I honestly dont know how that's possible. I didn't even sign up. I'm pretty sure the guys had something to do with it that's why the wanted to to stick around.

I shouldn't have even come. But I never get a say in anything, we normally take a vote and all the guys vote on whatever they want.

I ran off stage with tears in my eyes. As they threatened to fall I tried to hold them back but they all just came flying out.

Why am I so fucking emotional?

Same reason why your a fucking screw up and everything you do is wrong. That's why nobody likes you. If you were never born none of this would of happened.

I just ran but I had no clue when I was going. I was going anywhere my legs would take me. My vision was blurred due to all the tears rushing from my eyes down my face.


Another update yay!!!!

And I'll probably update tomorrow.

Who am I kidding I update everyday cause I have no life.

Follow my twitter:

I would update again but I still didn't do my homework and its almost 10:30. Im tired and I was up all night last night. I should really do my homework earlier but whatever. FUCK SCHOOL. SCHOOL CAN SUCK SOME HOMELESS GUYS BIG TOE!!!!

I have serious problems so im gonna go now.

~Ahrayal Mendes~



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