Chapter 11

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(Shawn pov)

We finished up the meet and greet and we walked back to the hotel.

"Hey, what happened to Em? She said she was fine but I saw right through her something was wrong." Cam asked

"Some 'fan' was saying a lot of rude and hateful things to her. When we got her to leave Em wanted to go back to the hotel." I say and Cams eyes widen

"What did she say to her?" Cam asked concerned

"She said that she was worthless and nobody likes her."

"Are you serious?" Cam asked and I nodded my head. "Fuck. Come on we have to go." Cam said starting to run to he hotel we all followed behind him.

We pushed our way through the crowd of fans and ran up the stairs.

(Cameron pov)

Why did I let her go back to the hotel? If I knew somebody said all this stuff to her I wouldn't have let her go.

I unlocked the hotel room and ran inside. On the floor was her lifeless body. Tears fell from my eyes. I ran over to her and just held her.

"CALL 911" I yelled and Nash called.

Shawn didn't move an inch. Tears were falling from his eyes.

I turned my attention back to Emily.

"Emily please wake up. Please. I love you so much. Don't leave me." I say while playing with her hair.

Her head was in my lap. Her skin was cold and pale.

"Em please" I said hysterical

She's my baby sister. This cant be the end, it just can't. I love her more than anything

"They said the ambulance would be here in five minutes." Nash said

Everyone was quiet. I noticed new cut marks on Emily's wrist.

Why does she do this to herself?

She doesn't deserve any of this.

The ambulance finally came in the hotel room with a stretcher.

This was honestly the longest five minutes of my life.

They placed her on the stretcher and we followed them downstairs.

"Only two people are allowed to come with her." One of the paramedics say

"Shawn?" I ask looking back at him. He nods his head and we climb into the back of the truck. The rest of the guys were going to meet us there.

Once we get to the hospital the paramedics rush Emily into the emergency room. We weren't allowed to go back there with her. We waited in the waiting room anxiously. We just wanted the news. Everyone else came twenty  minutes after us.

We all waited in silence while we waited. We waited for at least three hours.

"Dallas." A nurse said and I stood up. I walked over to the nurse. I'm actually scared to hear the news. Its been hours.

"We got her stable, but she's in a coma. She swallowed some pills and if you called any later she could of been dead right now. You all can go and see her now if you would like." The nurse says

"Thank you." I say and walk back over to everyone.

"We can see her now." I say and they all stand up. We walk into her room.

She was hooked up to a bunch of machines fighting for her life. Her pale lifeless body laying on the hospital bed. I couldn't stand to look at her like this. Tears fell from my eyes and I attempted to walk out the room when someone stopped me.

"Cameron I know its hard seeing her like this but you have to stay strong for her." Jack G said

"And why do you care your the one who put her through so much pain over the years" I snapped at him

"Cameron calm down. We all care for her, it is hard seeing her like this but you do have to stay calm and help her fight through this battle." Matt says and I know he's right.

I run my fingers through my hair. "She doesn't deserve any of this." I say letting another tear fall from my eyes

"She doesn't deserve all the pain, she doesn't deserve any of this hate. This is my fault I shouldn't have let her go back to the hotel room." I says and sit down on the hospital chair next to her bed.

"No Cam, its my fault. I should've held her and told her everything was going to be okay, but I didn't." Shawn says

"It's really not your fault. I should've told you guys she was suicidal. I found out yesterday afternoon. She's been suicidal for the last two years apparently." I says and place my hands on my face. "She's really sensitive and you have to watch what you say around her even if your joking." I say and they all agree.

"Stop blaming yourselves for this it's not your fault. There are so many things that's been happening here. Between her getting bullied for the past two years and all this hate, she doesn't want to die she just wants to escape, escape from all her problems." Aaron says and he does have a point.

They never knew she was suicidal, I only just found out and she has so many problems. All she ever wanted to do was escape and that's what she tried to do today.

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