Chapter 60

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(Taylor pov)


"Emily lets go with Nash to the lake."

"Are the guys coming?" She asks

"Yeah they're all getting ready now."

"Okay. Let me go get ready." She says and goes back into her hotel room.

We were in north carolina for and event and Nash was going to see his family today. He invited all of us to go to the lake with him and his family.

Emily soon came out and we all drove to the lake we were going to meet Nash's parents at.

We walked over to the boat and climbed in. We all took turns water skiing. When Emily went on she was scared so might as well have a little fun with it. They let me drive the boat and I did a bunch of turns causing Emily to fall off.

Emily gets back on the boat and glares at me.

"I hate you." She says and starts to dry off

"You know you love me." I say and she shakes her head no

I pick up and hold her over the railing.

"Taylor!!!" She yells

"Yes." I answer like there was nothing going on

"Put me down" she yells again

"If you insist." I say and throw her into the water.

"I hate you!" She yells and gets back on the boat.

"You know you love me." I say with a smile on my face trying my hardest not to laugh

"Your right I do." She says moving closer to me and pulling me into a hug. She lets go of me and there's cold water all over me.

She walks away and grabs a coke out of the cooler after she dried off. She walks over to shawn and snuggles up against him.

Shawn is lucky to have her.

End of flashback

(Matt's pov)


We were literally doing nothing. We were sitting upside down just talking about dogs and life.

"I'm hungry" I whined

"Your always hungry" she said throwing a pillow at me.

I threw it back at her and she sat up on the couch.

"I'm going to take your oreos" I tease.

"No your not." She says and I jump up off the couch and we race to the kitchen. She sticks her foot out and I trip over it.

"Did you really just trip me?" I ask and stand up.

"I don't know did I?" She says eating her oreos in the doorway.

"Are you going to share?" I ask hoping its a yes

"I don't know am I?"

"Yes" I say happily and go to grab an oreo but she moved away.

"No. These are off limits." She says and walks back into the kitchen to grab a glass of milk

I found a bag of chips and walk back into the living room. Emily was watching frozen again.

I sit down with her and it's the part where Anna is asking Elsa if she wanted to build a snowman so you know we had to scream the song at the top of our lungs.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on lets go and play! I never see you anymore come out the door, it's like you've gone away. We use to be best buddies and now were not, I wish you can tell me why." We yelled and finished singing the rest of the song.

We sang and danced the entire movie. After we went out to grab some froyo. We walked around and talked about our childhood when things were fun and less hectic.

End of flashback

Emily is one person I could always go to no matter what the problem is. Shes like my little sister and I'll do anything to protect her.


Double update.

Hope you have a great day!!!!

Follow my twitter @Ahrayal_Mendes and go read @Azugriers book 'how I met him' its a hayes grier book and it will mean alot if you go read it.

~ Ahrayal Mendes ~

Luv ya!!!




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