Chapter 36

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(Emily pov)

We had a meet and greet. I decided to sit with Taylor and Matt today. I don't feel like getting any hate from Shawn's fans today, and shawn understood that.

Azu was sitting with Matt and Taylor so I just pulled up a chair next to Tay. I thought of Tay as an older brother. I rested my head on his shoulder clearing my mind from all the hate, but that didn't last very long.

There were these two girls talking to each other.

"Isn't she suppost to be with Shawn?"

"She's sleeping with Taylor, I bet Shawn doesn't know."

"She's such a slut, I don't understand how any of them could like her."

"They don't, remember what that guy Ryan said, he said they pitied her."

"She's an ugly ass bitch."

"Is she even related to Cameron. Cam is so hot and she's looks like a freaking potato."

Wow, thanks.

"Look at her, she's all up on Taylor."

"What a slut."

I felt a tear fall from my eyes. I quickly wiped it away and stood up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Taylor asked

"I'm gonna go back to the hotel." I said trying my hardest not to cry.

I hate lying, especially to Taylor and Matt. There just like my older brothers, I cant thank them enough for everything they've done for me.

"Is everything okay?" Taylor asked a little concerned

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll see you later."

Matt gave me the 'your lying' look and I just ignored it.

I started walking away, I passed those girls who were talking about me. A tear slipped out of my eyes and I quickly wiped it away. I walked past the and they laughed.

(Matt's pov)

Emily is like my baby sister. I can tell when she's lying. She's obviously not fine.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." I said and Taylor agreed.

Instead of going to the bathroom I went to look for Emily.

Do you really think I was going to let her leave when I knew she wasn't okay?

I eventually caught up to Emily. She was just about to walk out the door.

"Emily." I called after her she didn't even turn around.

She walked out the door and I followed her. I grabbed onto her wrist and turned her around to face me. Her eyes were red and she had tears running down her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her

"Nothing." She said looking down at the ground.

"Emily." I said more sternly

She looked up at me.

"These girls were talking about how I was a whore. They said I was ugly and fat, they said I sleep around and that you guys don't care about me." She said with more tears falling from her face.

I don't understand why the fans do this to her. All we want is for people to be happy. We love our fans, but we hate that they always hate on people just because we hang out with someone.

We all love Em, but she doesn't see it. She hears all of these lies and she's starting to believe them. She's honestly pretty, fun and she's not even fat. She's the farthest thing from fat. I love to spend time with her, just like I said before she's like a little sister to me.

I took my index finger and lifted her chin up.

"Em we all love you. Your listening to all the lies and your starting to believe them. When me or any of the other guys tell you we love you and your beautiful we're telling you the truth. When all the haters call you 'fat' or 'ugly' you need to know that they're just jealous of you. They want to be you. I know everybody keeps telling you things are going to get better, but I can't promise you that. I want to hold you and tell you that everything will be okay and things will get better but the truth is, I dont know if it will be okay, I don't know if things will get better, all I know is that you have to stay strong for me and everyone else." 

She looked back down at the ground without saying another word.

"You weren't going back to the hotel room, were you?"

She looked up at me and a tear fell from her eyes. I ran my fingers through my hair. If she wasn't going back to the hotel where was she gonna go?

I pulled her into a hug and held her close. I didn't want to let her know. I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. I kissed her forehead and we stayed like that for a while.

"We should go back inside." I suggested and she didn't say anything. It's not like I was letting her leave.

I held her hand and we walked back into the venue. Well It was more like me pulling her back into the venue. She didn't really want to go back.



I can update again if you want me to. I'm bored and I have no life. Comment if you want another update.

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~Ahrayal Mendes~




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