Chapter 33

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(Shawn pov)


My one and only true love. She's my everything, without her I was a mess. As much as she said she was okay she wasn't. I can see right through her.

Her mouth said one thing but her eyes said another.

I fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her beautiful body, thinking about her.

(Emily pov)

I woke up with Shawn's arms wrapped around me. I smiled at the thought of him.

I decided to stay in his grip. He's so cute when he's sleeping.

He opened this eyes, revealing his chocolate brown eyes.

"Morning beautiful." He said and kissed my forehead

"Morning shawnee"

"Shawnee?" He asked with a slight laugh

Oh my god his morning voice is like heaven on earth!!!

"Yeah I like it."

We looked into each others eyes enjoying each others company. Then Matt being Matt had to fall off his bed.

He stood up and we started laughing. Azucena woke up and noticed Matt on the floor.

"What happened to you?" She asked with a slight laugh

"You." He simply said and stood up.

"What did I do?" She asked playfully grabbing her heart

"I forgot you were here and I thought you were some random girl in my bed." He said and everybody laughed

He kissed Azucena's cheek and went over to his suitcase pulling out some clothes.

"I'm gonna go back to my room and get ready." I said and Shawn let go of me allowing me to get out of his grip.

I unlock the door and walk over to my suitcase. I pick out a New York City crop top and black high waisted shorts. I choose a pair of light blue vans to match my top.

I took a quick shower and got ready. I left my hair wavy and applied some makeup.

I walk out the bathroom and Taylor's still sleeping. This is the perfect time to get revenge.

First I drew on his face to get back at him. I wrote 'revenge' on his forehead and gave him a beard, I also drew random tattoos on his face. I may or may not have used a sharpie oops.

There was a knock on the door. I went over to the door and answered it. Nobody was there.

Once I turned around a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and picking me up. I let out a loud scream then I heard Shawn's laugh.

"That's not fuuny!" I yell at him hitting his chest

"Babe I thought it would be funny." He says trying to hold in his laugh

"Yeah whatever." I say and walk back to Taylor

I'm surprised he slept through all that yelling.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asks

"Pranking Taylor. Do me a huge favor and ask Cameron if you can borrow his mask."

"Why does Cameron have a mask?"

"Cause he's Cameron." I said and Shawn agreed to get the mask.

This is going to be hilarious. For us at least.

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