Chapter 62

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(Emily pov)

I opened my eyes and saw a bright light, I quickly shut my eyes again and heard monitors beeping all around me. I also heard someone's light snores im the background. I opened my eyes again and saw Shawn sleeping on the hospital chair.

"Shawn" I croaked out

He slowly opened his eyes and they moved towards me.

"Emily!" He said in his sexy morning voice.

Once he said that, the hugest smile I've ever seen appeared on his face. He stood up and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Shawn" I groaned and he pulled away.

"I'm sorry" he said and pressed his soft lips against mine. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "I missed your beautiful eyes." He said and pecked my lips.

"I missed you too." I said and smiled at him.

"I'm going to call the other guys and tell the nurses that your awake." He said and I nodded. He kissed my forehead before walking out. "I love you." He called back before exiting the room.

"I love you more" I said to myself since he already left.

The nurses came in and began to run some 'minor test'. They made sure everything was alright and Shawn came back into the room.

"Babe," he said sitting next to me. "Everyone is going to be here soon"

I nodded and we both sat there in peaceful silence. "Shawn?" I said breaking the silence.

"Yeah babe?"

"Can you lay with me?" I asked and patted the bed next to me. "I thought you'd never ask" he slightly laughed and crawled into the bed next to me. He carefully wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest. I felt him kiss my forehead and I looked up at him.

"I had a dream about our future together." I said and he smiled down at me.

"Can I hear it?"

"You proposed to me and a few months later we had a wonderful beach wedding with all our friends and family. Cam walked me down the isle and it was beautiful. I imagined Avery as the flower girl. Her hair was curled and-" I was cut off

"Avery d-didn't make it" he says sadly.

"Seriously?" I ask and he nods his head.

At first I didn't really want the baby but now that I had gotten use to it I actually wanted her. Although shawn and I are still teens ourselves I think we were ready.

"Oh" was all that I managed to say.

I imagined Avery with long light brown hair, the perfect smile and Shawns beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She was beautiful. There isn't enough words in my vocabulary to describe her.

"It's going to be okay." He said and kissed my forehead. "Can you finish the rest of your dream?" He asked and I nodded

"Can I still describe Avery?" I asked and he agreed.

"She had light brown hair and your beautiful eyes. Her smile and skin was flawless. As she walked down the isle throwing flower petals with each step she took, Cam and I followed behind her. It's funny how I always imagined my dad walking me down the isle but I know it's going to be Cam walking me down the isle. We said our vows and did the usual wedding stuff. When it was time for the cake you shoved a piece of yours into my face. I did the same back to you and we kissed just like in the movies. We danced to 'I do cherish you' by 98° and 'sad song' by we the kings. It was like a fairy tale come true. And for our honeymoon we went to paris."

"The city of love." He said with a giant smile and I smiled back at him. "Do you want to go to paris for our honeymoon?" Shawn asked

"I don't know. I mean there's so many places we could go, I'm just not sure yet."I said with all honesty.

"Don't worry, we have so much time to think about all this." He said and kissed my cheek.

Soon everybody came in the room.

"EM!" Taylor screamed and run over to me pulling me into a hug.

"Tay there are other people sleeping." I laughed

"I don't care I missed you." Tay said and kissed my cheek.

"It's 2 am calm down." Nash said and pushed him out the way. He pulled me into a hug and the same thing was repeated with all the guys. The all also said that they loved me.

Next was Cam. He hugged me but never let go.

"Em I'm so so so so soooo sorry. I never meant any of those things. I love you so much. Can you forgive me?" He asked

"Cam it's okay. I heard all of the things you guys said to me while I was in a coma. Thank you guys so much." I said and the all kissed my forehead.

Nothing can ever tear us apart, we're just like one huge family. 'Just like' we are one big family and we will always be one.

We all sat around and talked thinking back on the fun times at magcon.

Although it was after 2 am and I'm sure everyone was exhausted but they all decided to stay up with me thinking back on the old times.


Sorry I didn't update my dad was being a jackass and he took my phone. I decided I owe this to you.

Follow my twitter @Ahrayal_Mendes

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!!!!






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