Chapter 56

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(Emily's pov)

It's been two months and all they guys moved down to Cali so we can all be closer together.

Magcon broke up but we all stayed one huge family. The guys were always over at me and Cam's house and we were always over at their place so I guess it all evens out.

Me and Shawn has been getting through this together. We've been together for the past three months without any break ups so I guess you can say it's a record.

I got my drivers license a month ago so I can officially drive.

You can see my baby bump but it's not that big.

Today the guys were going to hang out while me and Shawn had to go check in the baby.

It's hard being a 16 year old who's pregnant but I'm not really worried about it. He/She has a huge family that will always catch Him/Her if she falls.

I've always promised myself I would give my child everything I couldn't have. I don't want him/her to always be sad and unhappy with herself. I wanted him/her to be able to come to me or Shawn whenever he/she has a problem.

The reason I keep saying he/she os because we don't know the gender of the baby yet. We're going today to find out the gender and check if he/she is healthy.

Shawn wants a boy and I want a girl. We've been arguing about that but we both know we can't control if its a boy or a girl.

Shawn has been the best boyfriend ever. Whenever I ask him to do something he automatically does it with no questions asked. If I were to ask him to buy me a box of pizza right now at 8:00 in the morning he would find a pizza shop that was open.

"Emily we have to go." Shawn called from downstairs

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I said running down the stairs.

Shawn picked me up when I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Shawn put me down. I'm to heavy for this." I said but he didn't listen. He just kept walking and brought me to his black range rover that his mom recently brought for him. He was a mommy's boy and she was a little sad to see him leave home and move out to california without her.

We drove to the doctors office and they took us right in. I had Shawn come in with me like always. He always was excited to see if our baby was healthy.

As we walked into the room she started asking us questions like she didn't know the answer to but I guess she wanted to make small talk.

"How old are you both?" She asked while I laid down on the examination table.

"16" we both said at the same time. I looked up at Shawn and he smiled down at me. He squeezed my hand to remind me that everything would be alright.

"You two are a cute couple, I can tell you two will be great parents." I smiled at the thought of me being a good mother.

"Thank you." I said and she rolled up my shirt and put some of that cold gel stuff on my stomach.

She moved the gel around with some thing you can see the baby with. (Idk what its called)

"Are you nervous?" She asked and we nodded our head.

"Don't be nervous, you'll be great parents." She said as she looked at the monitor.

"Do you want to know the gender?" She asked smiling.

I shook my head yes.

"It's a girl." She said and I smiled.

Inside I was super happy, but on the outside I looked calm. I looked up at Shawn and stuck my tongue out at him. He playfully rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead when the doctor wasn't looking. We got copies of the ultrasound and we had to come back for another checkup in a few weeks.

We set up an appointment and went back to my house. We sat on my bed and watched movies.

Shawn began to rub my stomach and leaving small kisses.

"I love you and our baby girl." He said and I peck his lips.

"I love you too." I said

I can't believe our entire lives are going to change. It's not like I can wake up one day after I have the baby and decide to go sky diving although that does sound fun.

I'm glad I have people who support me on my decision on keeping the baby.



YAY. I guess.

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School sucks. I can't update as much as I want to. I wish it was still summer.

~Ahrayal Mendes~



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