Chapter 52

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(Shawn pov)

I cheated. AGAIN.

I have to tell Emily but I know ot will just break her. I've been home for the past three weeks and I cant just facetime Em and tell her I

cheated. That's probably worst than her walking in on me kissing another girl. I don't want to be the one to break her. I know she's been almost a month clean and I don't want to be the one to cause her to start again.

I fucked up big time.

I didn't mean to kiss her. It was more like she kissed me and I kissed back. That's all that happened but I know it will still hurt Emily.

I'm so fucking stupid.

(Emily pov)

Shawn's been gone for three weeks. I miss him like crazy but we've both been staying strong. I swear we text 24/7. Then we have the time difference and we both have to get use to that. We facetime everyday for hours at a time. We even have late night calls until 2am.

Good thing we have an event next week and soon all the guys are moving to cali and living in a house together.

Next stop Dallas Texas.

*One Week Later*

We arrived in Dallas Texas. Nash, Gilinsky, Johnson, Cam and I all grabbed our luggage and the limo took us to the hotel. Some of the guys were there already and Shawn was coming last apparently. I just cant wait to see him.

I was sharing a room with Shawn.

I can care less about who was rooming with who. After I heard Emily and Shawn I zoned out.

We went up to our room and unpacked. I put my stuff by the bed.

When do I ever unpack.

I watched a two episodes of Switched at birth before the door opened. I looked over at the door to reveal Shawn.

I literally jumped out of the bed and jumped onto Shawn. I wrapped my legs around him and kissed his lips.

(Shawn pov)

I can't tell her, not now. She's really happy to see me and I'm really happy to see her, I don't want to ruin the moment.

She planted her lips onto mine and we kissed for a few minutes and I wasn't even fully in the room.

"GET SOME SHAWN!" I heard Nash yell and we broke the kiss.

"Next time get a room." Hayes said and they continued walking down the hall.

I brought my things into the room and jumped on the bed. She climbed on top of me and just looked me in the eyes.

"I missed you." I said and she smiled.

I haven't seen that smile in a long time.

"I missed you too." She said and leaned down to kiss me.

I can't do it, I have to tell her.

I kindly stopped Emily before she could kiss me.

It wasn't right not to tell her. I hid it from her for a month and she needs to know. I hate lying to her.

"Is something wrong?" She asked

"Actually there is." I said sitting up.

She was still on my lap facing me and telling me to continue.

"I kissed another girl and I'm sorry. She kissed me and without thinking I kissed back. Em I'm sorry. It meant nothing and I love you."

"Yeah how many times have I heard that one before." She said and got off my lap.

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