Chapter 10

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(Emily pov)

After the event there was a meet and greet for the VIP. I sat at Shawn's booth. His line was really long. Shawn took pictures with his fans. He signed a few things. A lot of them were crying.

"Hi" Shawn said to this one girl.

"Hi" she responded.

She was tall, skinny and beautiful. Everything I wasn't. She had blue eyes and blonde hair. She glared at me.

"Why is she here?" She said and Shawn looked confused. "She clearly doesn't deserve you and if you ask me you can do so much better." She said eyeing me up and down.

"I don't think anyone asked for your opinion." I said and she glared at me.

"Your nothing but a worthless bitch, no wonder nobody likes you. Nash and Jack aren't sorry they just said that to make you feel better. If you haven't realized nobody cares about you." She said

I know I look like it doesn't affect me but on the inside I just want to cry.

Scratch that I want to die.

"Is that the best you got?" I asked

What is wrong with me?

Shut up!

"I think you need to leave." Shawn says holding back his anger

"Seriously?" She asked

"Leave!" Shawn said slightly raising his voice

"Whatever, your not even my favorite." She said and walks away.

Shawn pulls me into a tight embrace. "Are you okay?" He asked

Everyone has been asking me this question a lot lately and whenever they ask I just say 'I'm fine' and I'm really not.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say breaking the hug. "I'm going to head back to the hotel now. See you later." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Em please stay."

"I'm need to get ready." I say

"It's only five."

"I take a while to get ready." I say with a fake smile.

I walk away and tell Cam that I was leaving.

"Em what's wrong?" He asked


"Something, now what's wrong?" He asked

"It's nothing. I'm fine. I promise." I said with fingers crossed. I'm not fine, I will never be fine.

"Em I can see right through you."

"It's nothing. I'm going back to the hotel now." I say walking away.

I walk back to the hotel. I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. I let the tears fall from my eyes. My brain replayed her saying all those hurtful things.

Worthless bitch

Nobody likes you

Nobody cares for you

She was right. Shawn could do so much better than me. I don't deserve him and nobody cares about me.

I got back to the hotel. I unlocked the room and let out a loud scream. Maybe even louder than I expected.

I haven't done anything yet his fans already hate me. I decided to go on twitter for a while. Worst mistake ever.

@Shawnforever: why does Shawn even like her. She's nothing but a piece of shit. @Em_loves

Attached was a picture of Shawn kissing my forehead at the event. I saved the picture since it was really cute. 

Wow thanks.

@magcon_love: Nobody likes you. @Em_loves

@CaMeRoNdALIAs: I don't understand how your even related to Cam. He's honestly the cutest thing and your ugly af. @Em_loves

@Fvckmeshawn: Just go die in a hole you ugly ass bitch @Em_loves

Well then.

I don't understand why people have to be so rude. I haven't done anything to deserve this. The worst part is half of these comments are true. I should just die in a ditch, I'm ugly and worthless. Nobody cares for me and that's all the truth.

Tears fell from my face.

I pulled out my blade and cut my wrist.

Why do all these things happen to me?

I put my blade away and covered my wrist.

I don't know why everybody hates me so much. But maybe I do because now I hate me too. Right now, I don't see the reason for trying or for talking or for breathing. I'm just done. (Cyberbully reference)

I go through my luggage and find exactly what I'm looking for. I open the bottle cap and pour the pills into my hand. I put the pills in my mouth and swallowed.


I felt myself getting weaker by the second. I fell to the ground and everything went black.

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