Chapter 23

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(Emily pov)

I woke up in Shawn's arms. I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. I give him a weak smile and he kissed my forehead.

"Morning beautiful." He said

"Morning." I said and attempted to climb out the bed.

Shawn wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back into the bed with him. "Stay" he whined

"I have to get ready, it's already 12:00." I said and Shawn released his grip and I walked over to my suitcase

I didn't feel like doing anything special today.

"Hey Shawn can I borrow some sweatpants?" I asked

"Yeah, there in my suitcase probably at the bottom." I thanked him and grabbed a pair of navy blue sweatpants.

I picked out a white shirt and grabbed my undergarments. I walk into the bathroom and there is a huge spider.

The one thing I hate more than anything. I run out the bathroom and over to Shawn.

"Kill the spider please." I told him.

Hey at least I said please.

He walked into the bathroom and looked for it. "Eww that's a big spider." He said in a girly tone

"Kill it"

"Would you like if he killed you?" He asked and I looked at him. "Don't answer that." He said and walked over to the desk and grabbed a piece of paper.

He walked back into the bathroom and scooped up the spider. He brought it in the room. The spider was crawling on the paper and Shawn walked over to me with the spider.

I ended up backing into the corner and Shawn followed.

"Shawn stop." I screeched as he moved the paper towards me.

The spider ended up falling on me and I had a major freak out. I do not like insect. I love animals but I hate insects, spiders and bee's especially. I kept hitting myself and running around the room trying to get the spider off of me even though it was off me a long time ago. After about five minutes I stopped my freak out and glared at Shawn.

He was on the ground holding his stomach. His face was red and he was laughing really hard.

"I'm glad you think this is funny." I said and grabbed my clothes again

"Em..." He said and burst back into laughter.


I walked into the bathroom and checked for anymore spiders.

I played my music and turned the water on. I undressed and got into the shower.  I washed my hair and body. After about thirty minutes I got out the shower and dried off. I dried off and started my hair. I blow dried it and put it in a messy bun. I changed into my clothes and didn't bother with makeup.

Everybody hates me so why bother.

I walked out the bathroom and Shawn tried to hug me. I pushed him away and sat on the bed.

"Babe I'm sorry." He hugged me but I didn't hug back. I was pretending to be mad at him. "Em" he whined

"What" I said in a mocking tone

"Please forgive me." He said and kissed my cheek repeatedly

"I don't know if I can forgive someone who threw a spider on me." I said sarcastically

"First off it crawled off the paper and fell onto you, I didn't throw the spider on you. Second I know your not mad."

"Yes I am." I said and he climbed in the bed and hovered over me.

"If you were mad would you do this."

He leaned down and kissed my lips. I kissed back and the kiss started to get intense. I let out a small moan allowing Shawn to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and he won of course. He explored my mouth. I tangled my fingers in Shawn's hair and tugged on it lightly making him release a small moan. Somewhere in the kiss his shirt ended up in the ground. I traced his abs with my fingers and he smiled into the kiss.

"WOAH, YOUR GONNA SWALLOW HER." I heard Hayes yell

"GET SOME SHAWN!" That was Nash

"Okay you can stop now." Cam said and we pulled away. We would've pulled away earlier but Shawn wanted to finish the kiss.

"Have you heard of knocking?" I asked.

I looked over at Shawn and he was red with embarrassment

"Nope." Cam said popping the 'p'

I rolled my eyes and kicked the guys out the room.

"Wait how did they get in?" I asked Shawn

"I think Cam has a key." He says grabbing clothes from his suitcase

"Of course he would." I said and jumped on the bed.

"I'll be back." He said and kissed my forehead

He walked into the bathroom and started listening to his music.

I went on twitter and scrolled past every hate comment not even reading one. Then I saw I had a direct message. I clicked on it and it was from Ryan. He was using another account. Of course he would.

Em, I see your the same suicidal freak that nobody cares about. You still think those boys care for you. They don't care, like I said the other night they pity you. Those beautiful girls Mahogany, Azucena and Aileen they pretend to be your friends and I can tell there not. If they were would they have let you leave when you were on the verge of suicide. When you were on the top of the hotel ready to jump your 'boyfriend' Shawn he watched you, probably hoping for you to jump, but he decided if he let you jump it would be all his fault. That's why he saved you. Your brother Cameron, why would he say all those stupid hurtful things when he knew you were hurting. Look at all this, it's proof that nobody cares. But knowing you, your going to be stubborn and try to convince yourself that they all care. News flash honey THEY DON'T!!!! Get a fucking clue already.


Let's pretend that's the 140 characters :)

Now I started to question everything. Did any of them really care?

Shawn came out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go. I turned away from him and let the tears fall from my eyes.

"Emily?" He questioned. I shook my head no but he continued. "If your mad at me, at least tell what I did cause I honestly have no clue."

"Let me ask you one question." I said and he agreed. "Do you care about me?" I asked

"Emily where are you getting this from." He said sitting next to me. He tried to pull me in for a hug but I moved away.

"Answer the question." I said bluntly

"What do you think?" He asked

"So no." I whispered and walked out the hotel room grabbing my phone.

"Emily wait." I heard Shawn call after me but I didn't turn around. I just continued walking


So here's ur update.

Let me go finish my homework. Then I have to watch the season finale of finding carter.

So maybe I'll update later.

Maybe, maybe not.

~Ahrayal Mendes~



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