Chapter 61

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(Shawn pov)

"Emily Dallas" the doctor said and we all stood up.

He took us into an empty room and said the last things I ever wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry to inform you but Emily's heart failed failed during surgery. She was pronounced dead at 9:52 pm. I'm sorry for your loss."

I fell to the ground on my knees and just cried. I can't imagine how Cameron must feel right now. He just got told that his 'baby sister' was dead. I loved her and everything about her. She was my sunshine, My happiness and the reason for me to smile. Living without her is like me living without air. Impossible.

The same words kept repeating in my head.

'I love you' I would say to her.

'I love you more' she would say back

'That's impossible' I would say

'It's possible' she would say and she would press her soft lips against mine.

Emily is my everything. I can't just go on without her.

"EMILY." I cried out and the doctors tried to calm all of us.

This can't be happening.


"Shawn wake up" I heard Cam say while shaking me.

I opened my eyes and I was covered in sweat and tears. That all just seemed so real.

"Are you alright?" Aaron asked

"Yeah, I just had a bad dream." I said trying to catch my breath

"Was it about Emily?" Cam asked under his breath but loud enough for me to hear

"Yeah. The doctor came in and told us that... that she died." I said the last part a little uneasy

"I've been having the same dream." Cameron mumbled "I can't help but think that this is all my fault." He says letting a tear slip from his eyes.

"Cam this isn't your fault." Jacob said with his arm still wrapped around mahogany, comforting her.

"Do you want to know the last thing I said to her before she got into an accident? I told her I hated her. I didn't mean it. I was angry and the words just slipped out. That's when she left and got into the car accident. This is my fault. If I didn't say those things she wouldn't have left the house, she wouldn't have gotten in that car accident." Cam said with tears falling from his eyes. "I said I hated her." He mumbled.

None of us knew what to say.

We just sat in silence waiting for Emily to get out of surgery.

1 hour later.

"Emily Dallas." The doctor said and we all stood up. "Emily is stable. We ran a few test and she reacted perfectly. We expect her to be awake in a few days." He says with a slight smile to 'cheer us up'

You can see the wave of relief wash over our heads. Emily was okay. She's going to wake up.

"How long is a few days?" Cam asked

"Two to three days." He said and we nodded our heads.

He took us to Emily's room and we waited for Emily to wake up.

Visiting hours were soon over and it was my turn again to stay the night with Em. We've all been taking turns staying the night with Em in case she wakes up.

The guys left and I was alone with Em. I kissed her forehead and held her hand.

"I love you baby girl, Your going to be just fine I promise." I say and give her one last kiss before I go to bed.


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~ Ahrayal Mendes ~

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