Chapter 22

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(Emily pov)

The wind was blowing as I looked out at the view. I looked down at the ground.

It takes one step and all this could be over.

I take a deep breath.

The problem is I don't know if I should do it. I want to end the pain and forget about everything bad that has ever happened to me, but I want to stay here and be with my second family.

Listen to Ryan, nobody cares about you. They all just pity you. If you think they actually care wait and see what happens. Why would Shawn cheat on you with Nash's Ex? He walked away on you showing he didn't care. Just one step and everything will be over.

I step one foot over the edge and just as I was about to let the other one fall something stopped me.

More like someone.

"I told you I wasn't gonna let anything happen to you."

It was Shawn. He carried me away from the ledge and I pulled him into a tight embrace. He hugged me back just as tight. I buried my head into his chest and cried. His eyes were red and puffy. We stayed like that for a while. He kissed my forehead and pulled away.

He wiped away my tears with his thumbs and rested his forehead on mine.

"I told you I was never gonna leave you, and I'm gonna keep that promise. I've been here for the longest, you just didn't see. I knew if you did something stupid, I was going to be the one who has to save you." He took a breath before continuing. "Your my everything. If you left me I don't know how I would live, I don't know how Cam would live. What he said earlier wasn't okay but he didn't mean it. He knows you've been through a lot and he was upset that you couldn't talk to him about it. He loves you a lot and he obviously cares. I don't want you to end your life because of some stupid people who don't know how to keep their rude comments to themselves. They point out you imperfections when really they should be pointing out your perfections. But to me all you imperfections are perfections, because with out them you wouldn't be who you are and I wouldn't of fell in love with the beautiful girl who's standing right in front of me." He stopped and admired me for a second. "I love how you light brown eyes sparkle in the moonlight, I love your long brown hair that I tend to play with a lot. I love your smile and I love it how you hide you face when your embarrassed. I love how your so sarcastic at times. I love how you always bring a smile to my face, whether I'm sad or mad, just by seeing your beautiful face brings a smile to mine. I love your bubbly personality, your always so fun and energetic. I love seeing that Emily, I hate seeing the sad Emily. Whether you're sad or happy I will always love you and everything about you. I love you Emily."

Zayum that was deep.

By the time Shawn finished I had tears falling from my eyes. I had so many emotions bottled up inside they all kinda just exploded.

"Shawn, I love you more than anything.  Your the reason that I'm even here right now. You saved me and I will never be able to repay you. I love you Shawn." I said and stood on my tippy toes and kissed his lips.

The kiss was short and passionate. I loved him so much. More than words can even explain. Everything about him was perfect.

"I love you. Never forget that" He said after the kiss

"I love you too." I said.

The door to the roof opened revealing Cam and the other guys. Matt and Cam came up to me and instantly pulled me in for a hug.

Matt considered us as 'best friends' since the first day I met him and he still does. He cares about others happiness before his own and that's what I love about him. He's just so kind and caring.

"Don't ever do that to me again." Cam said

Everyone came and joined in the group hug.

Seeing that they all actually care about me is actually a good feeling. Tears slipped from my eyes.

We broke from the group huge and went back inside. Cam pulled me behind and we stayed on the roof a little while longer before he broke the silence.

"What I said earlier. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to go off on you like that. I just got angry that you didn't tell me this before. I felt like this was all my fault and I could've protected you from this. I'm sorry Em. I really do love you."

"Cam, it's fine really." I said and he pulled me in for a hug

"Can I ask you something?" He said

"You just did."

He laughed slightly and continued. "We're you really going to jump?" He asked

"No, I wanted to fly like superman." I said sarcastically

"You and your sarcasm." He laughed and we walked back into the hotel.

"Cam?" I said as we walked down the stairs.


"I love you." I said and kissed his cheek

"I love you too."

Cam walked me to my hotel room and I hugged him tight.

"Shawn wants all your blades." He says and pulls away from the hug

I sigh "Cam-"

"We are not arguing about this, not when it comes to your life. Just give them to Shawn he's gonna get rid of them. We want to help you and you need to help us by just listening."

"Fine, but it's not like I can easily just quit, it's going to take some time."

"I know that, but please try for me and the rest of the guys."

"I'll try" I said and Cam pulled me in for another hug

"Love you." He says

"Love you." I say and unlock the hotel room.

Shawn looks at me and I know what he wants. I go over to my suitcases and pull out three blades, then I go into the bathroom and get the one out of my makeup bag, then I go to my couch side purse and pull out two. I have a lot as you can tell.

I hand all six blades to shawn and he smiles at me.

He goes to the bathroom and flushes them. He pulls me in for a hug and crashes his soft lips on mine.

He pulls away and whispers. "I'm so proud of you"

I smile and peck his lips.


Here's a quick update for y'all.

It's 11:40 here and I have school tomorrow. Ugh I'm already tired of school.

Is is summer break 2015 yet?
No okay :(

Bye lovelies. Don't forget to vote and comment.


~Ahrayal Mendes~ ♥


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