Chapter 71 - Last Chapter :'(

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*1 1/2 years later*

(Emily pov)

With months and months of planning our big day is here. As I was finishing up my final touches Cam knocked on the door and entered.

"It's your big day. Are you nervous?"

"A little." I say looking back at him in the mirror.

"Don't be, you'll be fine."

"You know it's funny how I always imagined dad walking me down the isle, but now that the day is actually here I couldn't be more honored to have you walk me down the isle. After all these years you've been by my side when no one else was. Thank you for always being there, your the best brother anyone could ask for." I say trying my hardest not to cry.

"Aww don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup." He said and kissed my forehead.

We are all growing up so fast.

All of us are either engaged or in a serious relationship. The only two in a serious relationship is Brent and Hayes. Brent told me he was planning on engaging Jessica but he just couldn't find the right time.

"I know, time flies so fast." Cam says.

Whoops. I accidentally said that out loud.

"It seems like just yesterday we were all in Magcon touring the states together as one huge family."

"I know. But at least we're always together. We're still that huge family we use to be, we're just not touring together."

"Yeah I know."

I looked over myself in the mirror and decided I looked... beautiful.

I think that may be the first time I called myself beautiful.

"Hey Cam?"


"Is mom out there?" I asked.

I know I didn't invite her but there was a small part of me that hoped she still showed up. The last words I said to her before she walked out on us for her rich snotty husband. Was...

'All you care about is your rich snotty boyfriend. How could you pick him over your own children? I never want to see you again... I hate you!'

That's the day I'll probably never forget. But that's all in the past. Soon I'll be married to the love of my life and be Emily Elizabeth Mari Mendes.

"Um... I thought you didn't invite her." Cam said a little confused.

"I didn't, but there was a part of me hoping that she'll show up."

"It's okay. Don't stress the little things. This is your day not hers, she's missing out not you."

"Your right Cam. It's my day and I shouldn't be thinking about these things."

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right." Cam says causing me to laugh a little.

"Hey guys, everyone's ready." Mahogany says and walks out the room again.

"This is it. The last moments of you being a Dallas. I'm going to miss my baby sister."

"We only moved down the street and plus I'll always be a Dallas."

"Yeah but your not going to be a baby anymore." Cam says wiping away a fake tear.

"I haven't been a baby in a long time."

"I know. I just love calling you 'baby sister'"

"And I know your never going to stop." I laugh and he smiles at me.

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