Chapter 29

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3 Days Later

(Emily pov)

I woke up to Matt jumping on top of me.

"Go away" I pushed him away and rolled over

"I cant, we have and event in thirty minutes then we leave tonight for New york."

"Are you serious!" I yell and Carter laughs

"No" Matt says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and stand up. I grab a pair of black short shorts and a black crop top that said 'Whatever' I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I threw my hair in a messy bun and changed into my clothes. I put on my black Van with white polk a dots. I walk out the bathroom and grab my phone off the charger and we all walk downstairs. I still had to pack all my things once we got back to the hotel. We got some starbucks and walked to the venue. I can't wait for New York.

Jessica and Brent has been really close over the last couple days. Me and Shawn haven't spoken and I avoided Nash and Shawn. Nash has tried to apologize so many times but I never let him.

Jessica was joining the tour with us since the guys really liked her. She was also really talented. She sings and she's really fun. She's just like the rest of us. Wild and out of control. She fits riight into the family.

We did the event and went back to the hotel. I packed my things and sat on Matt's bed. Matt and Carter were cleaning up there things when there was a knock on the door.

"Em get that." Matt demanded. I rolled my eyes and climbed out the bed.

I opened the door and there stood the 6'1 boy I fell in love with.

"You umm left this in the hotel room." He says handing me my black cardigan.

"Umm thanks." I say and take it from his hands

"I really miss you." He says nervously. I didn't really have anything to say. It was quiet for a while before he spoke up again. I know Carter and Matt were listening, but It didn't bother me.

"Em say something."

"I don't have anything to say to you. I'm sorry." I say and look back at Carter and Matt who were already looking at us. I turn my attention back to Shawn. Tears were brimming my eyes. I missed him so much, I just pretended it never bothered me but it did.

"Can we talk in private please?" He asked with pleading eyes

I sighed not knowing what to say. I looked back at Matt and he told me to go. I placed my cardigan on Matt's bed and we left.

We walked downstairs im silence. We just walked around and ended up at the part of the beach Shawn and I had our date. A small smile creeped on my face as I thought about that night. We sat down on a large rock in front of the ocean.

"Em?" He said breaking the silence. I look up at him to see him already looking down at me.

"I really am sorry about the other night. I had no clue what I was thinking. I was heart broken and I just needed someone."

I didn't respond cause there was nothing I could sat. What was I going to say, yeah it's fine you slept with some random slut.

I needed Shawn. He was my everything and probably the only reasons I'm still here. If he wasn't up there the night I was about to jump I probably wouldn't be here right now.

"Why?" I managed to ask

"I honestly don't know. I didn't even sleep with her. I kicked her out after you left because I realized I was about to make the stupidest mistake of my life. I realized I love you and I need you more than you need me."

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