Chapter 54

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(Emily pov)

I walk into the room to see Shawn crying.

Oh god.

Why is he crying? I should be the one crying not him. He cheated on me.

I go over to my suitcase and I pull out his sweatpants, sweatshirt and t-shirt he let me keep. I put them on his bed and went back over to my suitcase to get some pajamas.

I picked out a pair of short nike shorts and a white t-shirt.

I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I played my music and Alone by sleeping with sirens came on.  I got in the shower and listened to the music occasionally singing part of the song.

I eventually got out the shower and dried off. I put my clothes on and threw my hair up into a messy bun.

I walked out the bathroom and noticed my lock screen was a screen shot of me and Shawn facetimeing. I unlocked my phone and changed my lock screen and screen saver.

I want to move on from him. Shawn is in the past and I need to focus on the present.

"Emily can we talk?" Shawn asked breaking the silence between us.

As much as I say I dont care it kills me not to be with him. I don't want to get back together with him for him to break my heart again.

"Yeah sure, lets talk about pandas and how cuddly they look." I say sarcastically.

Cameron says my sarcasm can get me in trouble one day but I don't give a fuck. It's like I can't help it.

"Please just let me explain."


(Shawn pov)

"I went to a party at one of my friends houses back home. There were people everywhere and alcohol. I didn't drink to much but I had enough to make me tipsy. While I was at the bonfire out back a girl came up to me and sat on my lap since there where no other seats. I didn't think anything about it until she turned around and kissed me. At first I didn't kiss back and without thinking I did and I screwed up. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you and I should've told you sooner. When I found out it was Jade I immediately pulled away and pushed her off. You have to believe me." I say holding back the tears.

Emily looks like she's actually doing better without me.

She can always have Taylor, she did kiss him earlier so she might actually like him.

"I believe you." She muttered I stand up and sit next to her on her bed. I wrap my arms around her but she pushes them away. "I said I believe you, I didn't say I would take you back."

"But-" she cut me off.

"You've broken me way to many times. I just think we should take a break for a while."

"You hurt me too." I say a little angered.

"Oh really." She said sarcastically

"I didn't kiss Jade in front of you, but you kissed Taylor in front of me."

"To get back at you dumbass." She says and I stand up to walk back to my bed.

She only kissed Taylor to get back at me for kissing Jade.

I feel so stupid.

(Emily pov)

I went on my phone for a while and decided it was time to go to bed. I tried to fall asleep but anytime I tried I couldn't fall asleep.

I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn.

Did I over react?

I need to talk to him.

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