Chapter 57

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(Emily pov)

Right now I'm crying into the pillow trying to forget everything. Cam and I just got into a huge fight. Calling me a bunch of things I'm sure he didn't mean. He just broke up with his girlfriend and he was a little upset/angry by the way he found out.

He went over to her house and caught her sleeping with some other guy.

I didn't really like his girlfriend. She was a huge bitch to me when he wasn't around and was fake when he was around.

He kinda blamed me for them braking up because I'm a "bitch who has to ruin everything for him" not even my words, Cam's words.

I stand up and decide to clear my mind. I grab my keys and walk downstairs to see Cameron watching the titanic, eating my Oreos and crying all at once. Fuck the oreos I'll buy some more on the way back.

I got in the car and tears were still falling from my eyes. Cameron hasn't said anything like that to me and it really hurt. He's always been the type of brother that was always there for me. Another thing hhe said that really hurt me was 'I hope your baby doesn't turn out like you. You mess everything up. Everything you've ever done was a mistake. I don't even know why your here.'

I cried harder just remembering that. I continued driving and all of a sudden I heard a high pitch horn and lights heading in my direction.

I guess this is the end.

The truck ended up hitting my car and it started to flip. It flipped over the little railing and rolled down the hill.

(Cameron pov)

I know it wasn't Emily's fault that me and Brianna broke up. I walked in on her and this guy doing the nasty.

I don't know why I said all those horrible things to Emily. I just kinda snapped on her. She was always so mean to Brianna and Brianna was so nice to her. I just don't get it.

We've been dating for a month and a half so I guess you can say we were kinda serious.

I went upstairs to go apologize to her but then the phone started to ring. I went downstairs and picked my phone up from off the table.

I answered the phone and held it up to my ear for it to soon ne dropped.

That has to be some type if cruel joke. I never heard Emily leave. I ran upstairs and looked in her room. It was true she left.

But when did she leave? I never heard her walk out.

I jumped in my car and called Shawn. He was with the other guys so I didn't have to bother calling all of them.

"Hello" shawn said over the loud music in the background.

They were obviously home. Taylor and the guys were always blasting their music in the speakers for no reason.

"Emily is in the hospital." I said with tears falling from my eyes

"Oh my god what happened?" He asked and turned down the music.

You can hear the guys in the background asking why he turned the music down.

"She got in a really bad car accident." I said and wiped away the tears and started to drive to the hospital.

We eventually hung up and I thought that this was all my fault. If I didn't say those things to Emily she wouldn't be in the hospital right now. I know I'm the one who made her upset. I'm the one who made her leave.

I got to the hospital and ran in.

"Emily Dallas." I said to the lady at the front desk.

"She's in surgery, the doctors will call you when she's out."

She tells me to take a seat in the waiting area and I do. I sit in the chair with my head in my hands. I couldn't help but think this was all my fault.

How could I say those things to her? Who knows what she could've done. She's only been clean for three months. She may have tried to attempt suicide and it would all be my fault.

The guys finally come and walk over to me. We all sit down in silence. I couldn't help but cry she's my baby sister.

The guys tried to calm me down but nothing was working.

After about two hours a doctor calls us. He takes us into a room to tell us the news.

"Ms. Emily Dallas was hit by a wrong way drunk driver. He was driving a truck and it ended up hitting her. It took someone thirty minutes to find her. She lost a lot of blood and her baby died." When Shawn heard that his child died he lost it.

Tears were falling from his face harder than they were before. He stormed out the room and left.  They were really looking forward to having this baby. They were planning on naming her Avery Mari Mendes.

"Umm she's currently in a coma and she's in critical condition and has a slim chance of actually surviving. She was hit pretty hard and was unconscious for a long time. You can go and see her. She's in room 243 in the ICU."

We thanked the doctor and we went to find Shawn.

We didn't have to look very far since he was right outside the door crying his eyes out. His face was redder than a tomato, and his eyes were blood shot.

They were 16 year olds in love. They took care of each other and they loved that baby like no other. She wasn't even born yet but they loved her. Occasionally I would catch Shawn and Em singing to the baby. Once I walked into the house and Shawn was kissing Emily's belly and quietly singing. They would've been the best parents a child could ask for. To be honest Emily was actually ready. She always talked about how her and Shawn would spoil the baby and give her everything that she ever wanted because they didn't want her to feel like how Emily did a few months ago. They loved her and I loved her too. I always thought about having a niece although I rather have a nephew a niece would of been just fine.

We get Shawn to calm down and we all go upstairs to visit Emily.

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