Chapter 38

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(Emily pov)

"Taylor I'm fine really."

"No your not Em. Your lying. Something is obviously bothering you and you haven't told any of us other than Matt, so what is it?"

Taylor shut up!!!!

I mentally yelled at him.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at the table. To make it worst Matt was behind us with Azucena, Hayes and Aaron.

Matt turned around and tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up at him and he nodded. I shook my head no and he raised and eyebrow.

It was like we were talking a completely different language to the guys at our table. But I knew what he was saying. He wanted me to tell them but I didn't want to tell them.

"Okay somebody say something." Cam said annoyed.

"Something." I said and Cam glared at me.

"What you said to say something."

"Em seriously." Taylor said and I looked back at Matt he nodded.

I sighed to began to talk.

"When I was sitting with Matt, Tay and Azu I heard these girls talking about me. The were talking to each other but it still hurt. They called me a bunch of names and said I was sleeping around with the rest of the guys. I lied and told them I was going back to the hotel, but I actually had no clue where I wanted to go, I just wanted to die." I mumbled the last part so they didn't hear. I sighed and continued.

"Matt followed me and we talked, he brought me back to Shawn and I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to block out ths world. That's why I snapped at you earlier." I said looking over at Shawn and he nodded so I continued.

"I went through twitter getting the same usual hate. Then I got this weird message. Th-" I was cut off

"What message?" Matt asked interrupting my'story time'

"It's nothing." I said and he took my phone.

He read the message and passed my phone around.

"Who is that from?" Cam asked

"If I knew I would of told you."

"This is serious."

"It's fine, I get threatened all the time. It's honestly nothing."

"Are you sure, cause we can go down to the police station and have them track down this person" Shawn said a little worried.

"Babe I'm fine" I said and kissed his cheek to tell him everything was going to be okay.

We ordered our food and they made me continue the story. I obviously left out the part where I cut cause you don't just randomly tell people.

We ate our food and Bart payed cause... I don't know he just payed.

We went back to the hotel and Shawn came to my room. I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I took my jeans off and the blade fell onto the ground.

I completely forgot I had the blade in my pocket. I picked it up and put it at the bottom of my makeup bag.

I took off the rest of my makeup and put on my pink sweatpants and Shawn's hoodie.

I walked out the bathroom and cuddled in the bed next to Shawn.

He wrapped his arms around me and we talked. I cuddled into his bare chest and traced his abs with my index finger while he played with my hair.

"I love you." He says

"I love you too."

Shawn crashes his soft lips onto mine and our lips moved in sync. He licked the bottom of my lips asking for entrance. I allowed him to enter and he explored my mouth.

"Can you not." Taylor said and me and Shawn pulled away before things got heated.

Taylor playfully covered his eyes and tripped over his own suitcase.

"Who put that there?" Taylor said standing up

"You did dumbass." I said sarcastically and he glared at me.

I laughed and stuck my tongue out.

"You act like a five year old." Taylor said

"And you don't?"

"Nope, I act like a civilized adult." He said pretending to fix his 'tie'

Causing Shawn to laugh.

"Your the furthest thing from civilized."

"He's a five year old trapped in an eighteen year olds body." I said and Taylor started to jump on my bed.

"Don't grow up it's a trap!" Taylor yelled jumping up and down on my bed.

This kid watches to many disney movies.

I push him off the bed and he falls on the ground. Again.

Taylor stands up and rolls his eyes at me.

"Hey, you asked for it." I said and he jumps onto his bed. "Let's watch a movie." Taylor yells like a little kid.

Know I'm definitely starting to doubt weather he is five or eighteen.

We go through the channels and we pass disney. The Cheetah girls movie was on. I stopped flipping through the channels and the song Cheetah sisters came on.

"Cause we are sisters, we stand together, we make up one big family though we don't look the same." I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I was in the middle of jamming out when Shawn changed the channel.

"We're not watching that." Shawn said and I sat down. I was standing on top of the bed so I can do my 'performance'

"OH HARRY POTTER." Shawn nearly yelled "SHHHHHH" He said even though he was the only one talking.

"I don't-" Taylor started and Shawn glared at him. "Harry Potter it is." Taylor said throwing his hands up in defeat.

Shawn loves Harry Potter.

It's not the best movie but I like it. I rather watch cheetah girls and relive my childhood but Harry Potter is okay too.

Within minutes Taylor was out like a lamp. Shawn was staring at the tv as if he blinked he would miss the entire movie. He was eating MY oreo's too.

I took the pack of oreos from him. He already at half the pack and it was un-opened.

Oreos are my favorite cookie and I don't share them with anyone.

Once Cam brought a pack of oreos for himself and I took the entire pack and pored a glass of milk. I ate every single cookie within an hour and Cam tried to get one. I mean they were his but ya know he abandoned them. By abandoned I mean he left them on the counter for five minutes while I was home. Worst mistake of his life.

"Hey I was eating those." Shawn said not taking his eyes off the TV screen.

"Key word 'WAS'" I emphasized the word 'was'

Shawn sucked his teeth and continued watching the movie. I rolled my eyes and fell asleep.


Just a boring filler but whatever. There is still more drama to come.

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~Ahrayal Mendes~




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