Saved From The Ex Boyfriend

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"Damn it" Johan says both because he lost his brother and because of what Haou said, Haou looks down and punches a trees "dammit" he yelled. Jesse stops to take a breather but heard a voice he never wanted to hear, Johan hides. Jaden goes into the forest but can't find Jesse, Jesse turns around and fear hit his face when he saw his ex boyfriend. Haou followed, Alex walked towards Jesse smirked "Well, what a surprise, meeting my dear Jesse here. How have you been love?" "none of your business Alex" Jesse tries backing away. "Oh come on Jesse! Is this how you treat me?" Alex steps closer with every step Jesse takes back, Jesse backed into a tree "I left you, that day you hit me I knew we were through, you abusive bastard" "That was an accident" Alex says as he puts both arms on both sides of Jesse in the tree.

He leans in and whispers near in Jesse's ear "Now, I really want to marry you, Jesse" "well I'm sorry to tell you but no, I have someone loves me and not use me for pleasure" Jesse wraps his arms around his stomach not knowing if Alex saw his belly or not, unfortunately for Jesse Alex notices his movements and looks down then up at his eyes, voice coming in an angry growl "You bitch!" he slaps Jesse then grabs his arm hard enough to leave a bruise "How dare you get laid by some bastard". Jesse flinched crying loudly "I'm sorry", "Damn right you're sorry" Alex snaps as he throws Jesse on the ground "You are mine" he growls "Now to get rid of those pests inside you" He gets ready to kick Jesse's belly.

Jesse's eyes widen and wraps his arms around his stomach and curls into a ball to try and protect the baby as his mother instincts kicked in, hearing bad sounds coming from one side of the forest Yusei rushes there only to see a teen, ready to kick a younger one on the ground, he immediately grabs the older's arms taking him away from the younger. Jesse was crying keeping his arms around his belly, "Uugghhh who the hell are you!?" Alex yells as he gets away from Yusei's grip "Go away, this is none of your business!" "stay away from me you abusive bastard" Jesse yells through tears. "You shut up" Alex orders, Yusei looks at Jesse for a moment too long. Alex uses the opportunity to punch Yusei in the stomach, but unfortunately for him Yusei has quick reflexes and catches his fist before punching back, square on the stomach.

Jesse flinched and pin his ears back not moving from where he laid, Jaden finally sees Jesse and panics seeing him on the ground and crying "Jesse!" Jaden ran to him and picked him in his arms. Alex nearly falls on the ground from the punch but he hears a voice screaming Jesse's name and turns his head, there were people calling for Yusei. Jesse cried in Jaden's neck "he almost killed the babies", Haou was calling for Johan. Hearing that coming from Jesse's mouth Jaden sees red, He gently laid Jesse there and Gets up. His hands clenched into fists he gives a deathly glare to Alex, eyes cold as ice, Alex not understanding the situation says "So this is your bastard of a lover, well hear me out you little shit, Jesse's mine and I'm gonna get rid of those pests".

"Come on boys!" Four more teens come out near Alex, Hearing those words Even Yusei gets angry, how dare he speak like that. Johan hears Haou and hides deeper in the bush, "what happened" Crow glared at Alex. Jack was cracking his knuckles, "your wrong he's everything I ever dreamed of being with you" Jesse choked out. Haou searched in bushes, Kalin stands next to Crow looking at the scene before them. Jaden starts stepping towards Alex still angry, chocolate brown eyes filled with fury and anger for the man that dared to hurt his love, "That one" Yusei mentioned to Alex "was kicking and punching the young one there" mentioning to Jesse, then he turned to the teens before him.

Seeing Jaden move forward, he started moving too, Johan put a hand in front of his mouth to muffle his breathing as he heard footsteps approach. Crow goes through his bag grabbing the first aid cleaning his wounds, "I'm more worried about the baby" Jesse moved his shirt reveling a 4 month along belly. Jack was walking towards Alex, Haou was getting worried "Johan please I'm sorry for what I said but I still love you even if you have ears and tail" tears could be heard in his voice. Jaden runs towards Alex and punches him in the face, The other men came in front of Alex as he is holding his face. Yusei and Kalin get on both sides of Jaden and start fighting with the men, Johan shaking gets out of the bush, head down.

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