Dragon's Rage

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Yusa was looking for her brother seeing if he was ok and saw some guy on the ground "did my brother come through here", "Shhh kitten, save your sounds for later" Jaden says as he pulls away. Johan panics and grabs a tissue from the table, drying the blood, Yusei runs faster mumbling things "please be ok, please be ok...!". Dennis who banged his head from the throw, nods shakingly, Jesse blushed nodding. "well I'm already horny" Haou chuckles, Jack felt a kick and wags his tail "I felt a kick". Yusa walks in then saw blood and goes to the guy "what happen" she growls, Jaden kisses his nose "Com'on you wanna eat something?". "Impatient much, aren't we?"Johan chuckle, Yusei smiles and places him on the bed, seeing as no one was there, he takes the medical supplies and starts taking care of Jack himself.

Dennis just gives an evil smirk and falls unconscious, Jesse nods "yeah". "hey" Haou pouts, Jack smiles that their pups were ok and rubs his belly. Yusa grabbed the guy "wake up your going to give me answers" she was to close to him, Jaden looks at the table "What do you have in mind?". "You are too cute for your own good" Johan smiles, Yusei finishes and caresses the purple marks on Jack a dark look on his face his mind elsewhere. Dennis bangs his forehead with hers, "anything is good" Jesse smiles. Haou blushes "really", Jack pins his ears "you ok". Yusa fell unconscious. Jaden shrugs and picks up some fried shrimp, "Definitely" Johan confirms.

Yusei growls "yes", Dennis gets up and grabs her arm dragging her in the room. Jesse smiles, Haou smiles "you and the baby hungry". Jack filched and hid under the covers scared and starts trembling, Yusa groans and rubs her head. Jaden smiles too and takes a fried shrimp towards Jesse's mouth "Say aaaaa", Johan's stomach growls at the mention of food, he blushes. Yusei groaned and gets the blanket up "Babe I wasn't growling at you" he caressed his cheek, Dennis ties her hands at the foot of the bed. Jesse blushes "I can eat myself" but opens his mouth, Haou chuckles "anything specific". "ok I'm just so scared right now" Jack purrs at his soft touch, Yusa slowly starts to wake up.

Jaden shakes his head and puts the food in Jesse's mouth "nope I'll feed you", Johan's eyes sparkle "sweets~". Yusei smiles and gets on the bed with Jack, Dennis takes off her clothes. Jesse rolls his eyes and giggles, "ok" Haou puts some sweets on a plate. Jack snuggles to Yusei, Bruno walks around wondering were Yusa went. Yusa mediately woke up feeling a cool breeze hit her skin and growls and hisses baring her vampire fangs, Jaden eats one and kisses Jesse. Johan is nearly hopping from one place to another, Yusei kisses his forehead and rubs Jack's belly. Dennis smirked "I'd enjoy breaking you", Jesse kissed back. Haou set the plate down and picks him up taking him the plate of sweets, Jack purrs.

Yusa growls more and kicks him "no thanks I'm taken", Jaden passed the food on Jesse's mouth. Johan stares at Haou, Yusei kisses his lips. "No one asked you!" Dennis growls, Jesse blushed and cover his mouth. "sweets for my sweet kitty mama" Haou kissed his cheek, Jack kissed back. "you didn't need to" Yusa growls and kicks him more, Jaden chuckled and nuzzled Jesse's cheek. Johan purrs, his tail swinging happily. Yusei smiled in the kiss, Dennis slams her legs on the floor. Jesse nuzzles back, Haou sets him down with the plate. Jack purrs and smiles back, Yusa screams in pain. Jaden takes another shrimp and places one end of it in his mouth, Johan looks at the plate then at Haou.

Yusei says gently "Sleep you need rest", Dennis gives a wicked grin "See what happens when you disobey me?!". Jesse smiles and took the other end, "you wanna be fed" Haou sits next to him. Jack nods as he felt safe, Yusa growls and kicks him hard in the face. Jaden bites once, Johan nods, his tail taking Haou's hand at the plate. Yusei strokes his hair, Denni pulls back blood leaking from his lip "You bi-". Jesse bites the other end, Haou smiles grabbing the fork getting the food and puts it to his mouth. Jack purrs smiling, Yusa kicked him in the face again. Jaden bites again, looking into Jesse's emerald eyes, Johan pouts. Now Dennis was left with a bloody nose, Jesse bites again looking into Jaden's chocolate eyes.

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