Queen's Illness

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Jaden purrs and bites his ear lightly "will you give me a taste later, kitten?", Yohan turns to her "you're going to dig there". "Huh my baby? My brother's?" Janet whines, Jesse squealed a little blushing and nods. The babies in Jaden, Jesse, Haou and Johan's room started crying, "sorry" Hao kissed the spot. Jezza nods "there's our first litter that haven't hatched", "Good" Jaden hums, slipping his hand under Jesse's shirt "can't wait to have you in my mouth" he says then hears the cries, "let's go" he said running to the babies. Johan whines and gets off the bed walking to the cribs smiling softly "aww why sad?", Yohan purrs "it's okay". Janet faints, falling back on the bed, Jesse nods following.

The baby girl with the multi colored eyes was missing, Hao purrs and puts her face in her chest. Jezza whines shaking her, Jaden runs in the room, panting. "Huh?" Johan looks down "where's she?", Yohan blushes madly, but doesn't push her away. Janet groans, opening her eyes, Jesse runs in and to the cribs "Galaxy where are you". The three babies whimpers, "I saw a hooded figure run away with her" Haou ran in the room. Hao purrs loudly, Jezza whines. "Where?" Jaden asks Haou, panicked, Johan slowly moves the babies crib singing. Yohan blushes, stroking her hair "soft", Janet looks at her confusingly. "I think Alex has her" Haou says, Jesse left flying to find Galaxy.

The babies calm down purring and reached up, Hao purrs louder. "you ok" Jezza nuzzles her, Jaden growls, seeing Jesse fly away "bastard". Johan chuckles "how can daddy hold you all lil'ones" he says taking their little hands on his, Yohan blushes and continues. "Just leave me" Janet growls, "Galaxy where are you baby" Jesse looks and sees a crib in an opening and lands looking in the crib not thinking of the dangers. The babies went to their animal forms purring, Hao purrs more. Jezza whines "but babe-" she gets cut off, "Shoot" someone ordered and bullets were headed in Jesse's direction. Jaden growls deeply running out of the room, Johan chuckles and picks them up holding them close to his body.

Yohan nuzzles her head purring, Janet growls loudly, glaring at her "I said.LEAVE.". Jesse's wing shielded him as he looked in the crib "Galaxy baby you here", the babies purrs loudly. Hao nuzzles back, "no babe" Jezza whimpers. Cries were heard from the box in front of Jesse, Jaden runs in the forest. Johan holds them close, licking their heads, Janet growls daring her to come closer. Yohan purrs, Jesse looks and picks her up "hey there". the babies purrs more, Jezza crawls closer. Hao yawns snuggling to her holding her close, "Shoot" bullets fly to Jesse again. Jaden quickly runs to the noise, Johan purrs smiling "my cuties" he brings them closer to his chest.

Janet growls grabbing the front of her shirt, dragging her close "what the hell you don't understand? Want me to hit you?", Yohan blushes and purrs. Jesse wraps his wings around himself and Galaxy, the babies whines hungry. "but your my girlfriend we have kids together" Jezza struggling, Hao dozes off holding her. Jaden stops at the clearing, looking around "Babe?", Johan looks at them, and raises his shirt up, smiling, "one of ya will have to wait". "I don't care! Leave me alone!" Janet let's go of her shirt, Yohan smiles falling asleep. "Jay" Jesse peaks out from his wings, two of the babies looks for his nipples. "no" Jezza looks at her, Jaden growls at him, walking close to someone who wrapped their arm around his waist "not you".

Johan chuckles and nuzzles the third, Janet growls sitting up "Then I will leave". "Jaden what are you doing" Jesse's eyes widen, the third baby purrs as the other two suckled. "no I will" Jezza sniffs crying and slapped her running out of the room, "nothing" Jaden hummed, kissing the person's cheek softly, then looking back at Jesse "does it bug you?". Johan chuckled stroking their back, feeling a little ticklish, Janet looks at her leaving her hand on her hurting cheek "Good!-...Jezza wait!!!!!!!". Jesse growls handing Haou Galaxy and kicks the person then tackles Jaden, the two babies kept suckling. Jezza ran to their room crying feeling like she lost her one and only mate and nuzzles her eggs and howls as it sounded sad and broken hearted her eyes dull, Jaden growls, glaring at him and struggling to get out of his hold.

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