Three-way Relationship

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Crow was walking around not knowing his bunny ears and tail are out, some Blue students were looking at him from far, snickering and whispering something. One of them smirked and started to walk towards him, Crow's ear twitched and turned around looking at the blue student. The student smirks and steps closer to Crow, Crow started backing up "what". The student gets his hand up and touches Crow's ear "What do we have here?", Crow squeaked and pushed his hand away "please don't do that". "What I'm not doing anything~" the student says as he continued, and came even closer and the other hand touching Crow's tail, Crow gasped and slapped the student "I said stop it".

The student growled "And who's going to stop me? You~" he says as he grabs Crow's arm pulling him close, "no my boyfriend if he see you touching me like this" Crow struggled to get away. The student didn't let go "Please what boyfriend, you're bluffing" he scoffs, a dangerous growl came from behind the blue student. Crow looked over the students shoulder and smiled "Kalin", the student turns around confused "Kal-" he was stopped mid-sentence by a punch on his face as he fell on the ground, blood dripping from his lip. Kalin gets in front of Crow "How dare you lay a hand on him you bastard!" Kalin yells as he kicks the guy on the stomach, "babe he's not worth it" Crow hugged his arm pinning his ears down.

Kalin growls but calms a little at his boyfriends presence "If I see you or any of your pals around him anymore, you'd wish you'd be dead" He takes Crow's hand and walks away, the student gets up and runs. Crow follow's and kissed his cheek "thanks babe", "Anything for you, though I have to ask you something" Kalin says as he looks at Crow still keeping his hand on his. "yes" Crow looked at him, Kalin took a deep breath and spoke ".....Why do you have ears?" 'Cute though' Kalin thinks the last part. Crow looked down "I'm a neko bunny, do I look weird" he looks him in the eyes tears forming in the corners of his eyes, Kalin places his hand on Crow's cheek " Never, you are the most beautiful thing in the world for me" he says "though I can't guarantee that you will stay the only one". 

Crow cocked his head "what do you mean can't guarantee I'll stay the only one", Kalin chuckled and looked at Crow, his other hand going to his belly " Well dear, I really can't guarantee that I" he said indicating to the babies "will not think that about them too" "ohh" Crow giggles. A girl with orange hair and looks like Crow yells "outta the way!!", Kalin looks her way surprised and confused. The girl was trying to stop her skateboard but ended up landing in a bush, "Rave!!" Crow ran to her. Kalin goes near Crow looking at the girl "You Ok?" "yeah but lost Karla back there" Raven struggled to get out, Crow helped her out of the bush. Kalin stayed silent, "Raven!" a girl similar to Kalin came rushing to them "God girl, I told you that was dangerous". 

Now Crow was confused, "sorry babe but it was fun" Raven hugged her. Karla scowled but hugged her back "Be careful next time, I don't want you to get any kind of injuries", Kalin finally spoke "Karla?". Raven looks at them and saw Crow's belly and lightly hugs him and going to her knees talking to the kits, Crow blushed at his sisters action "did she have sugar". Karla nods "Yes unfortunately", Kalin chuckled. Crow face palms and groans, Rave nuzzles his belly. "Rave please don't act like a kid~" Karla whines, "well your going to be happy" Rave gets up and pulls a pink and white stick out of her back pocket. Crow saw it and knew what it was and smiled, Karla's jaw drops, eyes wide, she gets over her shock and hugs her. 

"Wow" was all that came out of Kalin, Raven smiles hugging back. Crow smiles at his sister, Kalin smiles at his sister too, while slipping an arm around Crow's waist. Crow smiled looking at him, Yusa was walking trying to get some perverted boys off her back. Kalin smiles and kisses his forehead,  Crow kiss his cheek. One student grabbed her arm smirking, Yusa struggles hitting him. Kalin chucked a warm blush covering her cheeks, Karla kissed Raven's belly. Crow smiles, Raven purrs. Two students pin Yusa to the ground while the other stripped her shorts and panties smirking, Yusa struggles kicking the student. Jacklyn who had been searching for Yusa, seeing her like that goes into rage she punches the student standing in front of her then the others, Bruno was looking for Jacklyn and Yusa to confess his feelings until he saw scared Yusa and a raged Jacklyn and ran over to help. 

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