Jesse's Early Birth

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Jesse wakes up and gets out of bed and puts a gown on and goes exploring, Rainbow Dragon was throwing stones at the clear water of the lake. Jesse heard sounds by the lake and walks to the sound, Rainbow's ear twitches as he turns around and hisses "Who's there?". Jesse gasped and hides behind a tree, Rainbow looks closely as he could see clearly in the dark "Come out" he says, his voice softer. Jesse peaks out from behind the tree looking at him, Rainbow tilts his head and smiles "Come out, I'm not gonna eat you" then he deadpans, that wasn't the best thing to say. "nice bro, she wont come out after that" Dark laughs, Jesse comes out more and carefully walks to them holding his belly. 

Rainbow pouts, and slaps his arm playfully "at least I tried", he then looks back at Jesse "Oh oh she's coming out" "really wow" Dark looks, Jesse gets near them "hello" his voice was soft making him sound like a girl. Rainbow smiles, the place around them brightening lightly "Hi can I hug you? you're so cute!" "she is, can I hug you too" Dark smiles, Jesse blushes and looks around amazed and nods "sure". Rainbow beams and hugs Jesse, the place brightening more "Awww she's soft too!", Dark hugs Jesse. Jesse blushes and was even more amazed at the place, Rainbow smile and pulls back "I'm Rainbow Dragon, or Ray!" the place around them was bright like a day.

"I'm Dark Rainbow Dragon" Dark says pulling away, "I'm Jesse, Jesse Anderson" Jesse smiles just as bright as the area around them. Rainbow smile more, then blinks "Cute name, it suits ya~" "your as pretty as a beautiful crystal" Dark picks Jesse up, Jesse squeaked blushing his baby bump shows but his lower half was cover by panties covering his male parts and couldn't be seen making him look more like a female. "Oh my~" Rainbow gasps, seeing Jesse's belly, he places his hand there, stroking softly "She's pregnant bro!!", Dark looks and puts Jesse down and stroke his belly "yep". Jesse purrs as all 10 softly kicked, Rainbow feels the kicks and faints. "cool, bro" Dark looks at him, Jesse looks at him "is he ok". 

Rainbow shakes his head to clear his thoughts " Who's the lucky one to claim such a gorgeous girl?" "well my brother banged me the same day my boyfriend banged his brother, but this litter is with my brother, my first litter was with my boyfriend Jaden" Jesse blushes, "cool, I bang this one" Dark pulls Rainbow close. Rainbow blushes a dark red, the place around them warming up "H-How can you be so c-casual about it, bro?" "cause I can" Dark smirks kissing his neck, Jesse giggles at them. Rainbow blushes more, the place getting warmer, as the red in his hair got darker "Bro, not now, we have company, remember?" he says mentioning to Jesse, Jesse collapsed fainting from the heat and starts breathing heavy. 

Dark looks and runs caching Jesse "bro turn the heat down she suffocating" he flaps his wings to cool him off, "Sorry" Rainbow whimpers, and runs to Jesse, the blue in his hair getting darker, as the place got a little colder, his red hair dimming. "its fine" Jesse wakes up smiling "what do the colors in your hair do" then whines when he could barley feel his kittens move, Dark looked worried and rubs his belly feeling the weak kicks "bro heal the babies". "ok" Rainbow nods and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and placing his hands on Jesse's belly, as they start shining green, the green in his hair getting brighter, Jesse pins his ears seeing his belly get bigger. Dark watches "is that suppose to happen", Rainbow shakes his head "I don't know! I've never healed a pregnant woman!!" he panicked, the orange in his hair growing darker. 

Jesse whines feeling pain then gasped feeling wetness "my water broke" "what!!!" Dark starts panicking, "No way!!!" The orange in his hair grew darker as he pulled his hands away, the green dimming. "take me to the castle, I'll have to lay them for them to grow to the 9th month marker" Jesse screams in pain, Dark nods "come on bro". Rainbow nods, and gently picks Jesse up and runs to the castle as fast as he could without hurting Jesse, Jesse whines holding his belly. Dark follows, Rainbow runs inside the castle, he stops and looks at Jesse "where to?" "a medium size area, I need to change to my cat dragon form to lay the eggs and help with a nest" Jesse screams in pain again but louder. 

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