Luna and Comet's Explores The Castle

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Midnight whines, still looking at her ^What did daddy do to you?^, Yusei's heart beats faster. Jesse purrs petting him more, Haou purrs nuzzling him. Ruby's ears go dark red ^your to young to understand^, Luna and Sunshine looks at their parents confused. Yusa taps her talon harder and the taps were harder and there was a crack in the egg, Jack whines. Johan purrs more, sending vibrations through him, his tail swinging innocently between Jesse's legs, Jaden holds him close "my love, my first love". Midnight whines, still curious ^there's something white coming out of your back mommy^, Yusei starts smiling, holding Jack's hand. Jesse smiles purring, Haou smiles and yawns.

^me and your father does this sometimes, should we tell them^ Ruby whines, Yusa taps the floor even harder and the taps stop as the egg cracks open. Johan purrs and curls around, laying in his belly and mews, Jaden smiles and kisses his neck "sleep king". Eclipse gets red from his nose to his ears ^they're too young^, Midnight whines, getting more curious. Yusei looks hopefully, Jesse purrs and yawns and falls asleep. Haou falls asleep, Ruby shook her head ^wait till your older^. Luna and Sunshine whines, the chick squeaks. Yusa smiles and licks the chick clean, Johan purrs and closes his eyes falling asleep. Jaden smiles and kisses his head, before falling asleep, Midnight whines louder.

Eclipse whines ^OK tell them, God they've taken so much after you^, Yusei smiles and slowly walks near. ^hey, its called mating, you only do it with the person or animal you love and have kids with them^ Ruby whines, Sunshine nods understanding. Luna whines and the hair of her mane moves a little a little mark was on her neck, Yusa smiles cleaning the chicks. Midnight nods, happily, Eclipse's eyes darken as he walks to Luna, moving away the hair of her mane, and whines angrily ^who gave that to you?!^. Yusei smiles softly looking at her, Ruby sighs. Luna whines pinning her ears backing away, Yusa licks Yusei's face. Eclipse growls ^Tell who was it?!^ he walks closer to her, Midnight whines going closer to Sunshine.

Yusei smiles and purrs, ^I was playing with someone and I tripped and they fell on me^ Luna whines. Sunshine drags Midnight behind their mother, Yusa yawns and nudges the chicks to suckle. ^and?! That couldn't have made a mark like that!^ Eclipse whines looking at his little girl, Midnight whines walking behind their mother. Yusei smiles and gets her to lay down on the bed, Luna pouts and left. Ruby nuzzles them, Sunshine purrs nuzzling back. Yusa falls asleep, Midnight whines looking the way Luna left. Eclipse runs after her, Yusei smiles and closes his eyes falling asleep too. Luna teleports away, Sunshine whines. Ruby nuzzles them, Eclipse growls and walks back to them whining ^do you know who was?^.

Midnight whines staying close to her Sunshine, Sunshine shook her head. Ruby shook her head ^no^, Luna lowers her power showing a stretched out large belly ^babe^ she whines. Eclipse whines looking the way she went ^she's too young^, Midnight whines for her sister. ^I know^ Ruby nuzzles her, Sunshine whines. Luna nibbles on some grass, Eclipse whines and walks back near them, and nuzzles Sunshine. Midnight purrs and nuzzles back, Comet runs to her, jumping happily around Luna. Sunshine purrs nuzzling back, Ruby purrs. Luna whines giggling and folds her wings showing her large belly, Eclipse whines and licks her head. Midnight nuzzles her mother, Comet's eyes widen as he walks near her sniffing her belly.

Sunshine purrs then yawns, Ruby smiles and licks her head, ^sorry for not seeing you, but your going to a dad^ Luna nuzzles him. Midnight purrs yawning too, Eclipse whines ^they must be tired^. Comet nuzzles back ^I'm so happy!! I thought you left me after what we did", ^their still young^ Ruby smiles. Sunshine lays down, ^you kidding, I told you I loved you and only you^ Luna smiles. Midnight whines and lays down next to Sunshine, putting her head over the other, Eclipse whines ^that's why I'm worried^. Comet whines happily and nuzzles her more ^I love you too^, Sunshine purrs. Ruby lays down ^their going to find someone to love^, Luna smile ^I wanna go in the castle^.

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