Does She Still Love You

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"big bro" Heba whines not able to find his big brother, "Wow really" Jamie grins "Soo. .". Aiden jumps, tackling them on the sand, Johan purrs and kisses his neck, nuzzing there "If you keep that up, you may not breath the next few mins". Archfiend purrs happily, as a small stroke was felt, Jaden blushes more. Atem yawns from his spot in a tree branch, "so what" Jim tilts his head confused. The twins yelps, Jesse whines and thought it was an insult and felt tears, Stardust and Blackwing kisses the small movement. Haou sits Jaden next to Johan and Jesse, Heba cries "big bro" and saw a student walk to him. "your cute" the student smirks, Jamie decides to be bold "How's he in bed?". 

Aiden laughs "Got'cha!", Johan quickly kisses his tears "Babe don't cry, I didn't mean to insult you, you're the cutest thing on earth". Jaden pouts and whines, Archfiend smiles and purrs loudly. Atem nearly falls off the tree hearing the comment, he growls, Jamie dramatically leans against Yusuke, placing a hand on her forehead "Hear that Yus, my brother's mind got dirty~". Aiden smiles and gets up, then helps them up, Jaden pouts more "Sit". Archfiend smiles and purrs "You know I'm pregnant?", Atem growls jumping off the branch "Get .Away. From. Him". Johan smiles "Don't be sad ok?", Jim pouts. Yusuke laughs "and you love me being rough", "thanks bro" the twins smiles. 

Haou sits and gets ice cream out for him, Stardust and Blackwing nods nuzzling. "why who are you" the student smirks biting Heba's sweet spot, Heba whines loudly struggling. Jesse nods "ok", Jamie smiles and nuzzles his neck "Sure do, you're so good". Aiden smirks and whistles, Jaden pushes his hands away and crawls in Haou's lap, pulling his hands back near "Feed me". Archfiend tilts his head "Since when? ", "His brother" Atem growls as he grabs the person's hair, tugging him back. Johan smiles and kisses his nose, Jim goes back to Hassleberry. Yusuke looks at Aiden blushing a bit, Haou blushed and some near his mouth. "when we got here your hand was on your belly" Stardust says, the student growls and throws a punch. 

"big bro" Heba whines, Jesse purrs giggling. Hasselberry smiles and pats the place near him "Everything good?", "Aww don't be so shy "Aiden smirks "It was me who had to hear you all night long". Jaden licks his lips and opens his mouth, Archfiend blushes in embarrassment "you're not mad?". Atem catches the punch in his hand, glaring at the student, Johan chuckles, "Wanna get wet?". Jim nods and sits "yeah", Yusuke's blush gets darker "but you've been looking at someone haven't you" he smirks. Haou puts it in his mouth, "no we're happy" Stardust and Blackwing smiles kissing his belly again. The student growls, Heba kicks the student in the crotch making him whine in pain and hugs his brother "I only love my brother", Jesse nods. 

Hasselberry tilts his head "Babe you OK?", "No I haven't" Aiden quickly denies, way too quickly, his cheek earning a light blush. Jaden hums and tastes the ice cream, his eyes shinning, Archfiend's lips tug upwards as he purrs. Atem smiles at him "Love you too", "They sure love each other don't they, my light" Yami says looking over at his sons. Johan helps Jesse get on his feet, "I'm just glad Jamie found someone" Jim smiles. Yusuke smirks "sure, whos the person", Haou chuckles. Stardust and Blackwing purrs back, "more than a brother" Heba blushes. "sure do, my dark" Yugi smiles, Jesse smiles "thanks bro". "You will miss her won't you?" Hasselberry asks, "Nope, not talking" Aiden says, crossing his arms. 

Jaden purrs and whines wanting more, Archfiend tears up. Atem smiles and kisses his lips, At that Yami was shocked "What? How-?". Johan smiles and gets up himself "Your welcome", "yeah but I'll still see her" Jim says. "was it brunette and blunett" Yusuke asked teasingly, Haou put more to his mouth. "what's wrong" Stardust and Blackwing asked, Heba kissed back wrapping his arms around his neck. Yugi was shocked "might need to talk to them", Jesse smiles and ran for the water. "Baby ...Did she ever say-?" Hasselberry starts speaking but stops in mid-sentence "Never mind", "No way it was" Aiden says scratching the back of his neck. "Nothing, something got into my eye" Archfiend says, Atem brings him closer, deepening the kiss. 

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