Hospital Threesome

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Jesse pulls back spitting out her blood "you taste like one-" he stopped feeling a sharp pain in his abdomen and looks down, Jadey and Sapphire runs to their fathers crying. Haou picks Sapphire up and licks her head, Johan pulls back immediately spitting the blood off his mouth then looks at Jesse "Shit-" he runs near him. Alexis groans the pain staying still, Jaden purrs and nuzzles Jadey nose, gently licking the place were Alexis grabbed her. Jesse collapsed "when do you carry knives" he coughed up blood, Sapphire purrs nuzzling. Haou nuzzles back, "MOMMY" Jadey cries out. Jaden's head snapped towards Jesse as he pushes Jadey gently towards Haou, and runs to him, Alexis smirked even with the blood coming out of her hand "Always".

Johan glares at her, Jesse coughs up more blood and holding the wound "you trying to kill my babies" he looks at her then to his brother with tears "bro". Haou holds both girls and took them to get ice skates and helps them put them on then takes them to the ice carefully, both girls look back to their parents. Jaden growls "Take care of him, Johan, get him to the hospital, or neither he or the babies will survive" Jaden orders as he turns in his human form, his fingers still demonic claws, Johan nods as he takes off his jacket and presses to the wound, then gently picks Jesse up and runs to the lady "call an ambulance fast please". Alexis smirks "One paw off the way", the lady nods calling the ambulance.

Haou kept the girls close as Jadey starts crying again, Jesse's breathing starts slowing. "No No not again don't leave me, you hear me!" Johan panics, Jaden heart hurt at not being able to be near Jesse and Johan at the moment, he turns and deadly glares at the girls, drifting to losing control of his body. "I'll try bro" Jesse looks at him weakly, Haou watches. Jadey goes to her supreme form and attacks Alexis, Johan eyes tear up badly "Where's that ambulance?!" He yells at the lady, to scared of losing Jesse to care that he was being rude. Jaden jumps and bites Alexis shoulder, with his demon teeth, anger boiling in his chest, Alexis screams in pain. "their almost here sir" the lady looks at him, Jesse's head collapsed on his shoulder.

Jadey summoned a horse "here now take mommy to the hospital", Johan hops on the horse gently holding Jesse with one arm, and makes the horse run towards the nearest hospital. Jaden pulls back, and gets ready to stab her with his claws, something hugged Jaden from behind "Jay don't do it she's not worth you being in jail" a soothing voice that Jaden knows all to well. Jadey's eyes looks to the voice and her eyes widen, Jaden stops in his tracks and turns his head "You-". Johan hops off the horse as soon as they were at the hospital and runs inside "HELP!", next thing Jaden knew was a pair of soft lips on his that he never gets tired of feeling on his and emerald green eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. 

"sir what happen" a doctor runs to them, Jaden's eyes widen as he kissed back, calming down entirely, claws going back in. "He's hurt" Johan says panicked still, Jesse smiles and pulls back "see you at the hospital babe and all of you" and he kisses Jadey's head as she cries. Haou faints on the ice, nurses come out with a stretcher "put him here". Jaden takes a deep breath and turns to the girls "If you dare to lay a hand on my mates or kids, you're as good as dead" he walks back on the ice towards the kids and Haou, picking him up, Alexis faints from all the negative emotions headed towards them from Jaden. Johan gently puts Jesse on the stretcher, as soon as Jesse is down his hands start shaking, Blair was already out like a light. 

The girls follow him, Jesse's spirit kissed Johan's forehead, nose then lips "don't worry bro I'll be back, promise" he had a bright smile on his face. The nurses and doctors rolled Jesse's lifeless body to surgery, Jaden skates off the rink quickly changing his own clothes and Haou's. Johan blinked, shock slightly in, as he spoke " Please don't leave me, us", the girls waited outside for their fathers. Jesse kissed his lips again "I would never, how else would I have our kittens", Jaden gets out Haou in his arms "Let's go, little ones". Johan smiled and kissed Jesse this time "I love you", the girls nod. "I love you too bro" Jesse smiles and fades away back to his body as a smile was planted on his face as Johan was left alone in the waiting room, the doctors worked on him. 

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