Being Together Again

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Johan lays in his arms staring at the sky, Jessica moans louder. Jesse purrs kissing back, "you ok" Haou asked. Joan moans and rubs his tongue against her smaller one, grinding again harder, Jaden purrs more kissing deeper. Johan turns and looks at him "we know no boundaries, don't we?", Jessica moans rubbing back. Jesse blushes and moans, "nope" Haou chuckles. Joan moans and guides her tongue in his mouth, Jaden purrs, and licks his lip, his arms around Jesse's waist. Johan pouts looking at him "I love it though" he says gently rocking the baby "having your, Jesse's and Jaden's babies, I feel complete", Jessica explores his mouth and saw a shadow walk in the room.

Jesse opens his mouth, Haou smiles "I'm glad". Joan notices her and pulls away looking around, Jaden smiles and slips his tongue in his mouth exploring around. Johan smiles and kisses his cheek "What are we doing out here? And me in a car with our baby?", Jessica whimpers pointing to the guy. Jesse moans loudly, "I was going to ask you" Haou says. Joan growls looking at where she pointed, hiding her from the view with his body, Jaden moans and brings him close, continuing. Johan blinks and shrugs 'I don't know', the assassin knocks Joan out and smirks looking at Jessica. Jessica whimpers then screams for her parents and grandparents, Jesse and Haou's ears twitched.

Joan groans falling on the bed unconscious, Jaden and Johan's head snaps in the direction of the castle. "Get in the car!" Johan says handing the baby to Haou and gets in the driver seat, Jaden grabs Jesse's hand and gets in the car. Clare and Aaron quickly get in theirs and drive fast to the castle, the assassin grabs them and runs. Jessica whimpers crying, Haou gets in and holds the baby. Jesse gets in the car, Joan lays unconscious. Johan presses the gas and passes his parents car, driving to the castle in a breakneck speed, Jaden, keeps Jesse's hand in his. The assassin runs outside and steals a horse, Jessica cries louder "MOMMY, DADDY, GRANDMA, GRANDPA, PAPA'S".

Ruby whines but didn't want to buck because of Jesse's kids, Haou holds onto the baby and Jesse holds on Jaden. "Calm down, baby" Joan says in his unconscious state, Eclipse whines, looking deathly at the kidnapper. Jaden whines worried, Johan stops before the castle and gets out of the car. Clare and Aaron stop too and get out running in the direction of the scream, Jessica whimpers. Ruby whines moving in circles and backing up, "move forward you dumb horse" the assassin kicks her side really hard making her cry out. Jesse hears Ruby and runs to her, Haou gets out "Jesse wait up". Eclipse growls, but felt helpless, that if he kicked he will hurt either Ruby or the kids, "Jesse no!!" Johan growls and runs after him. 

"Stay here Hao" Jaden says looking at them leaving, Clare and Aaron run after them. The assassin kicks her side again to get her to move, Ruby cries out louder in pain. "stop your hurting her!!!" Jessica cries out, Jesse growls going to his dragon cat form losing control and roars his pupils are slits. Haou whines feeling useless to help them, Eclipse whines worried and pushes her to walk forward. "Shit!!" Johan curses, feeling a himself too going out of control, Jaden kisses his forehead "Sorry Hao, take care of the baby" he says running to the others. Ruby whines and looks at him and their triples, Jesse roars and gently takes Jessica and Joan setting them on the ground carefully and grabs the assassin throwing him off and nudges Ruby to Eclips and licks her wound on her side and attacks the assassin. 

The assassin tries to protect himself, Haou whines "ok". Eclipse nuzzles her ^he was going to hurt you more if you didn't obey^, Johan watches amazed, and starts to attack the assassin too, directing to their chest. Jaden arrives and runs near the kids "you ok?", Ruby purrs ^but he's not my master^. "no one touches my kids or Ruby" Jesse grabs the assassins head in his mouth, "papa that man hurt Ruby" Jessica hugs Ruby's leg whining. Eclipse licks her head ^I just don't want you or them hurt, see what he did^, "Babe no!! Stop!!" Johan tries to pull him away. "It's good, I will heal her" Jaden says starting to heal her, Ruby whines ^sorry^ and she nuzzle Jessica. Jessica purrs hugging her, "reasons why and quick" Jesse growls. 

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