The Prince And Knight Returns To Their Castle

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"NOOOO JESSEEE!"Jaden screams and runs to him, scared for life, Chazz's eyes widen in shock as he gets out his own gun and shoots at his brother's hands. Haou whimpers and takes him back, Jesse whimpers going to his human form and a puddle of blood starts forming. Johan leans up and pecks his lips "Sorry I can't leave him alone", Jaden takes Jesse off the brothers and brings him to his chest, and raises his hands to Jesse's chest healing him the best way he could, thought Haou was always the best healer. Slade groans in pain, his arm falling limp to his side, he quickly grabbed Jagger and the box and runs. "sorry babe" Haou walks in and saw Jesse "Jesse!", Jesse opens his eyes weakly "where's the little ones".

Jadey runs after the brothers "comeback here with my kids" she had two swords out, Johan was shocked, he gets off Haou's arms and runs to him "Jesse!". Chazz runs after them and shoots Jagger in his leg "Got'cha", "They-" Jaden speaks but the other shot cut him off. Haou goes and heals Jesse, Jadey faces Slate "give me my babies" she growls. Sapphire growls with her own sword out, Jaden hugs Jesse gently, worried. Johan stops a few steps near them, arguing in his mind if he should come closer, then turns running to Chazz, Slade growls holding Jagger up as the elevator came "Never they will make great money in the black market" he laughs as they enter the elevator and the doors closed.

Jaden tries to calm him down "Shhh Kitten Johan's g-", Johan transforms and follows after his niece. The brother's get out of a elevator and run to the metro unnoticed, "but I lost control" Jesse cries. Jadey looks for the brothers "Yubel help me", Haou follows after Jadey and Johan. Yubel appears from her spirit form "They're in the metro, princess", Johan nods and flies to the metro "Stop right there!!". Slade stops in his steps as they had nowhere to go, Jaden frowns "It was not your fault". "thanks" Jadey opens her wings and flies to the metro "give me my babies" she growls, Jesse sniffs. Yubel follows them quickly, Johan growls stepping closer to them "Put them down".

Slade nods and slowly puts the box down, then smirks as the train was coming and jumps in with Jagger, Jaden kisses his forehead "Baby you're not like this only because of that are you?". Jadey looks in the box, Haou jumps on the train and follows the brothers. Jesse purrs snuggling to him, the box was empty, except for a lone little red-fur fox, that was whimpering in a corner, her little head under her paws, tail curled to her side, Johan jumps and does the same as Haou, running through the train to the brothers, Jaden smiles and hugs him "Baby?". Jadey picks her up and licks her "mommies here, we're going to get your brothers and sisters, what happened little one", Haou was on the brother scent and tail.

Jesse looks at him purring, The kit purrs lightly, clinging to her mom "S-some guy dressed in black, put something in our room" she whimpers "Th-then grabbed us and putted us in that box, and closed it mommy, it was too d-dark". Yubel frowns "Poor little one", Johan runs faster and sees them "Stop!!". Jaden looks at him seriously "What did Johan say to you? I felt that you were not fine at all", Jadey flew to the train getting on and looking for the brothers. Haou shoots both brothers in the leg and runs to them, Jesse pins his ears and told what Johan said after he tried saving him. The brothers scream in pain and fall on their knees, Johan follows Haou and grabs Slade by his jacket "Where are the kits?!".

"HE SAID WHAT?!" Jaden growls dangerously, Jadey follows the scream. Haou grabbed Jagger "where's our grandkits" he asked only to get spit in the face, Jesse flinched and whimpers "he kissed me after he got lose". Slade smirks licking his lips "Somewhere where they will make good of themselves", Johan eyes flash red and he punches Slade. Jaden holds him closer, but doesn't speak anymore, "the black market" Haou says whipping his face. Jadey heard and flew to the black market "Yubel are the kittens here", Jesse purrs "lets check their system" he gets up and goes to a computer and starts hacking the system. Johan growls and kicks them in the ribs till they were coughing blood, Yubel was using her powers to control around, as she held the kit "..Spotted them. North east".

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