Flying To Yuki Corporation

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Zane smiles and closes his eyes, letting sleep take him, Kalin moans loudly, throwing his head backwards, and comes. Haou smiles and turns around and held his arm out, Jesse looks tilting his head. "my mom told me I would kick sometimes" Yugi says, Seto wraps his arms around Joeys waist and kissed his shoulder "how my Queen and our Princes or Princess". Crow pants still coming, Johan smiles and takes his arm. Jaden raises one finger and opens the phone "Hello?" A pause "you're here? Good", Joey leans in his touch and purrs "better than ever". Kalin moans and bucks taking him deeper, Haou walks out of the room and saw Jaden "Jay did the guy call".

Jesse tilts his head confused, "that's good" Seto kissed his neck softly and rubs his belly. Crow moans and bucks into him, Jaden nods still on the phone "Yes we're coming right away". Johan raises and eyebrow, and looks at Jesse confused, Joey purrs more "What were you doing?". Kalin screams and nearly ripping the sheets, Haou smiles. Jesse pins his ears wanting to know, "dealing with Yami" Seto purrs. Crow pants pulling out, Jaden ends the call, and puts his phone back in his pocket "Time to go, my beauties". A loud noise was head outside the dorm, Johan whines, really curious. Joey chuckles "He really is rough with ya", Yami wraps his arms around Yugi and buries his head in his hair.

Kalin moans, "you'll see" Haou smiles at them. Jesse looks around, "he made me hard" Seto mumbles in his shoulder. Yugi purrs, Crow pants and collapses next to him. Jaden smiles, and places his hands over Jesse's eyes, and nods to Haou to do the same, the noise stops. "Huh?" Joey looks at him confused "What was that?", Yami purrs bringing him closer. Kalin pants looking at the ceiling, Haou did the same to Johan. Jesse whines, Seto repeats only louder. Yugi snuggles to him and yawns, "that was awesome" Crow purrs snuggling to him. Johan pouts cutely, Jaden smiles and kisses his neck "Just wait walk slowly". Joey's eyes widen "Really by your own cousin?" he whispers and looks down at his pants.

Yami chuckles and picks him up "We're going to stay the night Seto", Atem hugs him tighter. Kalin blushes and nods "It was great", Haou smiles kissing his ear "just walk slowly". Jesse slowly walks, Seto groans "terrific, yay me". Yugi snuggles to him and dozes off, Crow giggles and dozes off. Heba squeaks "bro too tight, cant breath", Johan purrs and starts walking slowly. Jaden leads him outside and waits for Haou and Johan, "Please it's not like you're sleeping with me" Yami says and turns around going out of the throne room, not seeing his reaction. Joey chuckles, Kalin snuggles close to him and closes his eyes, better get some rest for the next action filled days.

Haou follows Jaden, Jesse walks. "I want to ram my sword so far up your-" Seto got cut off, Johan walks. Jaden moves his hands away from Jesse's eyes and waits, there was a red helicopter, with a black Y.C symbol waiting for them. Yami smirks, and blows his finger like a gun "Remember I'm still a king", "Ah sorry" Atem apologies. Haou stops and moves his hands away, Jesse's eyes widen "whoa". Seto rolls his eyes "whatever", Heba smiles "its fine". Johan rubs his eyes "wow", Jaden chuckles and kisses his cheek "It's just the beginning, kitten". Joey laughs, "Your king" Yami smirks empathizing 'your' as he got out of the room. Atem smiles and kisses his cheek, "there's more" Jesse looks at him.

Haou chuckles and kissed his cheek, Seto growls and picks Joey up and walks to his room. Heba purrs then yawns, Jaden smiles "Of course" he leads Jesse to the helicopter, the pilot opens the door and bows "Good to see you, young master Jaden. You look lovely young mistress Jesse". Johan blushes and smiles, Joey squeaks and holds onto him. Yami choose a room and lays Yugi in the bed, taking off his shoes and some other things, Atem chuckles "Bedtime?". Jesse squeaked and blushes for a response, Haou waves and chuckles. Seto chuckles "time for you to rest mama", Heba snuggles to him and dozes off. Jaden smiles "Nice to see you too Andrew" He slowly helps Jesse get in the helicopter and mouthes 'he's shy' to Andrew, Andrew smiles and nods in understanding, then bows again at the sight of Haou "Good to see you, young master Haou. Mistress Johan you look stunning".

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