Forgiving Jaden

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Johan strokes his belly, teasing about going lower "So can I have it?" Yuya blinks and takes the letter with a grin, bowing "thank you mister", the woman smiles 'my husband won't be home till late noon, do you want to come at my house for a bit?' She signs, Yusei smiles and softly caresses his tail, kissing his back. "JADEN!!" Jesse yells and shakes him, "really do want to" Crystal pins her ears. "its an odd eyes dragon and sure, babe Ms. Sakai want to know if we want to come to her house which I don't mind" Jim ruffles Yuya's hair. Jack purrs loudly, Jaden lays there unconscious, breathing, but too exhausted to wake up. Kai pushes some hair away from her forehead and kisses there "I will respect your choice Crystal", Hasselberry smiles widely "I would like to!!!".

"YES!!" Yuya jumps exited, Yusei chuckles "You know? look too appealing like this~". Jesse tries picking Jaden up, "I want to do it, how long is the process" Crystal purrs. Jim chuckles "lead the way little entertainer", Jack whines pouting. Jaden doesn't move, not helping Jesse at all, a tear running down his cheek, Kai, nuzzles her neck softly "A full year ............". Yuya grins and walks in front of his mother dragging her with him, Yoko chuckles and follows her son, nodding to the two. Hasselberry chuckles and take Jim's hand walking after them, Yusei gets on his knees and licks down to his hole. Jesse drags him to their room but trips and fell forward, Crystal takes a deep breath and looks at him "ok, I'm ready".

Jim chuckles and follows, Jack moans wagging his tail. Jaden falls in front of him on the floor, Johan who was about to get some food, quickly catches Jesse "Woah baby, careful". Kai smiles and kisses her eyes softly, taking her hand, Yuya leads them to a big mansion "Brothers!". Yusei nips and bites around his hole, slipping one finger in, "sorry Jaden passed out and Crystal is going to become a mermaid so she can with Kai" Jesse looks at him. Crystal smiles, Jim looks around "wow-" he got tackled to the ground. "oops sorry" a boy with blue and yellow hair apologizes and had clear wings, "Yugo hide your wings quick" a boy with black and purple hair said.

Jack moans louder, "Jaden............" Johan looks at Jaden on the floor and back at Jesse "Let's get you to bed" he says helping him to the bed. Kai walks to a room with her closing and locking the door, a boy with purple and pink hair, shook his head at the other's behavior his arm crossed. Yusei couldn't resist and pushes two more fingers in him, Jesse nods yawning. Crystal blushes dark red, "shut up" he sticks his tongue out. "are you going to lay on the man or let him up" the boy said, Jim chuckles. Jack moans louder "Yusei~", Johan smiles and helps him lay down on the bed, kissing his forehead. Kai chuckles and leads her to the bed, Yuya laugh at their behavior.

The other boy sighed "Helpless, totally helpless", Yusei smirks and thrusts his fingers in him "like that baby~". Jesse purrs loudly, Crystal follows blushing. "go play with your flowers, I think I hear them calling" Yugo says, "Yugo, bad choice of words you know how he gets" Yuto says. "Yusei put it in" Jack whines, Johan chuckles, stroking his hair and looks back at Jaden shivering on the floor, his scent lingering in the room, he scowls. Kai stops and lays her on the bed before getting on top of her and kissing her, Yuri smiles menacingly "Aww Fusion-kun, you speaking with them too~". Yuya chuckles nervously and gets Yugo off Jim, "Needy baby?" Yusei smirks pushing his fingers in deeper.

Jesse purrs and whines looking at Jaden, Crystal kisses back. Yugo growls and goes to tackle Yuri, Yuto sighs and falls back onto the grass and looks at the sky. Jim chuckles "you kids are cute", Jack moans whining louder. Johan scowls more walking towards Jaden and picking him up, Jaden purrs at the sudden warmth and starts to nuzzle the other. Johan growls looking down at him "Don't", Yuri smirks and slips away, so Yugo falls with his face in the grass. Yuya fans Yuto "you OK nii-san?", the woman sighs 'They are a handful' she signs. Yusei chuckles and takes off his pants and boxers pushing in him, Jesse whimpers "easy bro". Yugo growls and tries again, "yeah and get a room you two" Yuto sighs.

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