Haou On Ice

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The boat lands at the docs and Haou gets up, Jaden takes Jesse in his arms and gets up too. Johan smiles and gets on his feet, Jesse purrs. Haou gets off the boat and waits for the others, Johan and Jaden, together with Jesse in his arms, get off the boat. Jesse closes his eyes and takes a cat nap, Haou smiles "luckily its not far". Jaden smiles and purrs walking beside Johan and Haou, 20 minutes later they arrived at the ice skating ring. Haou walks in, Jesse still cat napping. Johan and Jaden follow in, Haou talks to the lady and she allows them access and he leads them in. Jesse was purring in his sleep, Jaden follows petting Jesse's fur. Johan walks near Haou, Jesse purrs louder. 

"You guys sit on the bench and I'll get ready" Haou smiles and goes to the changing room, "Okay" Jaden and Johan says as the go and take a seat on the bench. Haou put on the outfit and walks out "OK", Johan's jaw drops. Jaden chuckles and gets his jaw up, closing his mouth, "Do I look OK" Haou blushed. Jaden thumbs up smirking "As you always do", Johan shakingly nods his head, not believing his treacherous mouth at the moment. Haou smiles and opens the door to the ring and skates out to the middle and gave a thumbs up for the music.

Jaden and Johan wait as Jaden pokes Jesse to wake up, Jesse wakes up and his jaw drops at Haou in a beautiful outfit. Once the music started he starts moving with the music, Jaden laughs "Typical twins" as with his fingers he gets Jesse jaw back up. Johan eyes widen "Wow", Haou twirls with his leg in the air and hold it there by the blade with his hand. Jesse was impressed, Jaden smiles proudly. Johan is amaze, not taking his eyes off him, Haou jumps twirling four times and lands perfectly. Jesse rubs his eyes wondering if he's dreaming, "Go Haou go!" Jaden cheered. Johan was doing the same as his twin "Unbelievable", Haou continues as his movement become slower as the music comes near the end. 

Jesse nods, Jaden smiles and waits. Johan grins, Haou stops with a pose. Jaden and Johan wait for him to go on, Haou took off the outfit as there was a black shiny one underneath and skates to the door "hold this please" he tossed it to them and skates back to the middle holding a thumbs up for the next music. Johan pulls off the outfit that was thrown on his head and looks over at Haou, Jaden smiles.

The music starts and his movement were a little faster and he looks over at them in the movement with a sexy seductive look and continues moving to the music, a blush rises on Johan's cheeks. Jaden whistles, Jesse ends up with a nose bleed. Haou continues the fast movement, "Damn, He's good" Johan says, a hand moving up to his nose. Jaden chuckles, a blush of his own on his cheeks, as he hands them tissues, Jesse wipes his nose "babe how good are you". Haou kneels on with his leg gliding behind him and gets up and twirls in one spot before stopping with a pose and breathing heavily, Jaden smiles blushing more. Johan wipes the blood off his nose, and kissed Jaden's cheek, before looking back at Haou, Haou raise his hand for the last one. Jaden's a deep red looking at Haou trying to calm down, Johan purrs happily as he watches Haou. Jesse watches.

Haou starts moving, Jesse watches. Haou starts moving, When the song got to 'you set my heart on fire' Haou jumped making eight twirls and landing perfectly fine and continues. Jesse was shock when he did eight, "Pinch me" Johan says in shock, thinking he just dreamed what he saw. Jaden pinches him, Haou continues his movements. Jesse felt like fainting, Johan felt like fainting too. Jaden was smiling proudly, Haou did four quadruple spins three time then spins in one spot then goes down close to the floor not touching it still spinning. Jesse blinks, Jaden pats Jesse's head chuckling. Johan cheers at him, Jesse purrs. Haou stops after the song ended and skated to them "how was I" "your an ice dancing fairy" Jesse said. 

Johan grins "Very impressing", Jaden claps "Really good, you were coordinated, and landed all the jumps, I might say a champion". Haou blushes "thanks bro" "are you his manager babe" Jesse rose a brow, Johan looks at Jaden curiously. Jaden scratches his cheek "Yep", "come bro lets show them that one we did together" Haou grabs his wrist. Jesse wanted to see, Jaden nods "Let me get ready" He heads for the dressing room. Johan was curious now "Jaden skates too?", "yeah" Haou nods. Jesse smiles "cool", Johan nods. Jaden comes out ready "Shall we~?" He bows towards Haou, Haou blushes and nods. Jaden takes his hand and leads his hand and leads him to the ice rink, letting him start.

Haou starts moving to the music and does his quadruple twirl, Jaden enter the scene and places his hand on Haou's waist, as they swirl on the ice. Johan looks amazed, Haou lightly places his hand on his cheek. Jesse's jaw dropped again, Jaden smiles and twirls Haou so his back is turned to him, as they slide on ice, placing both his hands on his waist and hopping him in the air. Johan was no better, Haou smiles back grabbing his hand and gliding. Jesse recorded them, Johan sits nearer to Jesse. Jaden slowly puts him down, Haou continues his movements with Jaden. Jesse saw a posted video of all of Haou's performances and now Jaden and Haou's "who else is here other than the lady behind the counter", Jaden continues coordinated with Haou at every movement and action.

Haou smiles skating beside his brother, Jaden swirls around, hands up in the air. Johan looks at the phone, Haou follows his movements. "someone else other than us four and the lady are here recording them" Jesse perks his ears, Jaden continues swiftly movement on the ice, with Haou, hands locked, till the song ends. "What?" Johan looks around, trying to spot anyone else other than them, Haou smiles looking at Jaden. Blair shot up out of nowhere "NOW KISS", Jesse snapped his towards her "what the hell are doing here watching and recording our boyfriends". Blair rolls her eyes "you two are jokes to them", Jesse's eyes widen pinning his ears down. Jaden head snaps at their direction, Johan glares at them, putting a comforting hand in his brother's shoulder. 

Alexis smirks "She's right, they deserve much better than you two" "you dumbass bitch" Jesse claws came out as he never liked Alexis, "why don't you two leave them for real people not experimented felines" Blair shot at them. Haou growls his ears and tail coming out as his tail violently swayed, Alexis steps up "Me! You're the bitch, throwing yourselves at them". Jaden growls, his anger rising every moment, he start's skating off the rink "How dare you!", Johan hisses and growls loudly. "that's it" Jesse launched himself at her forgetting that he shouldn't fight because he pregnant, Haou follows his brother and over to Johan. Blair hugs Haou's arm "hiya handsome", Haou gets his arm free from her and hugs Johan. 

Jaden tries to run to stop Jesse, Alexis smirks and catches his hands, starting to kick Jesse in the stomach. Johan catches her knee before she could "Oh no you don't", Jesse holds his belly feeling tears. Haou growls at her and holds Jesse, "what a slut" Blair looks at Jesse. Jesse cries remembering his ex calling him that, A beastly growls comes out of Johan and Jaden as, he slaps Blair hard "I'm not to touch a woman, but you passed the boundary". Alexis glares at Jesse and Johan, then smiles innocently "Come on Haou, Jaden, you know they're worth nothing", Haou turns into a dangerous fox spirit and growls demonically walking towards the girls. Jadey and Sapphire pops up "mommy, daddy what's going on", Blair grabs them as Jadey turns into a kitsune and Sapphire turns into a nekomata growling and she smirks at them. 

Jaden turns the same as Haou and gets in front of them, Alexis looks at Jadey and Sapphire and smirks evilly. Johan glares hard at them, Jesse saw Jadey and Sapphire "get your hands off our kids" he pins his ears down. "then break up with them and you'll get your brats back" Blair hands Jadey to Alexis, "what no way, their our mates" Haou steps closer growling. Jadey screams feeling something clap down hard on her scruff, Sapphire screams the same. Johan steps closer to them, Jaden growls ready to rip their heads off, not caring that they were friends once.  Haou growls "put our daughters down" "I like to have a daughter with you" Blair smirks gripping Sapphire tighter as she cries out, "your not my type" Haou glared. 

"lets the kids go" Jesse was now worried, Alexis smirks and grips harder at Jadey "No can do, but if you break up with him~" she says to Jesse. "Never!" Jaden stated firmly, "But Jay-chan, how could we have our babies if you stay with that slut?" Alexis pouts, her grim unmoving on Jadey. Johan pins his ears down almost feeling helpless, in saving the kits. Jesse launched at her with his fangs deep in her arm that was holding Jadey, Haou glares at Bair. Blair just smirks, Alexis screams in pain and let go of Jadey. Johan stares shocked at his brother's courage, he composes himself, as his teeth sharpened and he jumped and pierced the skin of Blair's arm,  Blair screams dropping Sapphire.

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