Twinly Love

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Chazz moans, kissing back, the doctor looks at him confused "son slow down". Jesse blushes and whines more, Yusa screams feeling him in her womb and there was a bump poking through her stomach as he was so far in her. Syrus purrs exploring his mouth, Johan takes a deep breath and speaks "He fell from the bed, on his head and too much blood is coming out of there, please please save him". Jaden lightly moves the vibrators in him, tongue still flickering over that sensitive place, Yusei purrs ^You Ok?^, starting to slide out. Chazz moans, his hands cupping Sy's cheeks, the doctor "we'll patch him up". Haou fell limp and doesn't move, Jesse cries out. Yusa moans ^holycrapyoursofarinIloveit^, Syrus rubs his tongue against his. 

Johan's eyes widen seeing Haou not moving, he turns to the doctor "please do", Jaden pulls them both out. Yusei blinks going back in fully ^What?^, Chazz moans and rubs back, wrestling his tongue with Syrus's. The doctor nods taking Haou and rushing him to surgery, Jesse moans. Yusa screams arching and she grabs Yusei's face kissing him ^your so far in its poking through my belly, I love it^, Syrus moans and continues wrestling his tongue. Johan follows him grabbing a coat nearby, Jaden takes a bigger vibrator, rubbing it around Jesse's entrance, looking up at him with questioning eyes. Yusei thrusts in her faster ^I'm glad then^, Chazz moans, holding him close. 

A nurse told Johan to wait outside as no one is allowed in but doctors and nurses, Jesse nods moaning. Yusa screams louder arching, Syrus slowly pulls away. Johan growls as he watches the nurse go back in, he sits in a chair nearby "Better if I wouldn't have spoken, he wouldn't be there now" He tugs his hair looking down, Jaden slowly slides the vibrator in his hole, his lips getting slightly tighter. Yusei rams into her harder kissing her, Chazz pants looking at him. A fox spirit licks his nose, Jesse cries out moaning. Yusa kissed back, Syrus pants as saliva runs down to his chin. Johan blinks his tears away, slowly looking up, disbelieving, Jaden pushes till it's fully in, turning it on, while he pulls away, turning them around, he gets the vibrator one level up. 

Yusei kisses her deeper, moving rougher, Chazz smiles at him. The fox smiles "don't cry" he had glowing yellow eyes, Jesse shivers as it tickles. Yusa moans louder, Syrus smiles back. Johan tries not to cry, but his tears don't listen, Jaden smirks and leans down, whispering near his ear "Alright, I had my fill, now it's time you get yours". Yusei continues his actions, "Love you" Chazz says softly. "I'm not dead if your thinking that, I'm just waiting for them to patch my head" Haou curls around him and licks his face, Jesse blushes. Yusa screams clawing the floor, "love you too" Syrus said and yawns a little. Johan purrs lightly "It's not that, you got hurt because of me", Jaden nuzzles his neck, pushing the vibrator deeper "So, what do you think?". 

Yusei slams in her rougher, Chazz chuckles, holding him close to his chest. "stuff happens" Haou smiles, Jesse moans nodding a little. Yusa screams "DAMNIT BRO SO GOOD", Syrus purrs and falls asleep. Johan purrs louder "I know, but I don't want anything to happen to either of you, or the kids", Jaden smirks, swirling the vibrator, turning it a level near max. Yusei moans, slamming into her more ^you too...ahhh. tight^, Chazz stays awake for some more mins before falling asleep too. "we're both fine babe" Haou purrs then perks up "the doctors are done go wait by the doors" he kissed his lips before fading away to his body, Jesse cries out arching. 

Yusa holds her arms out wanting to kiss, Johan sighs and gets up walking to the door. Jaden kisses his neck, still twirling and moving the vibrator around, Yusei chuckles and leans down towards her. Haou lays in the bed he was put in, Jesse keeps crying out. Yusa kisses his lips, Johan enters the room going towards Haou. Jaden continues mercilessly, Yusei kisses back, thrusting in her even more faster. Haou just lays there, Jesse continues crying out. Yusa bites his lip, Stardust and Blackwing whines when they start having really bad cramps. Johan takes a chair and sits near the bed, taking Haou's hand in his, Jaden kisses him. Yusei groans, opening his mouth, Archfiend sighs content as he gets out of the shower. 

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