Telling Parent Their Going To Be Grandparents

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Jadey and Sapphire shot up and runs to the bathroom throwing up, Yubel groans in her sleep. The girl kept throwing up and starts whining, Yubel hears the whines from the bathroom, and cracks her eyes open "Girls?"."yeah" they slowly stopped and pants, "You ok?" Yubel gets off the bed. "yes, maybe I don't" sapphire said as Jadey starts throwing up again, Yubel panics and runs in the bathroom near them "You ate something bad?" "we didn't eat nothing when we woke up" Sapphire said. "unless" Jadey looks up, Yubel's eyes widen "You don't think -" "one way to find out, grab two test and check that box" Jadey asked. Sapphire whines at the cramps, Yubel quickly gets up and grabs the tests, giving one to each of them.

Both girls used the test a waits, Yubel paces from one place to another, the girls look at the test as it had a positive sign on it. Jadey walks out of her room and starts making her way to find Jack, Sapphire runs after her "wait". Yubel is right after them, Jadey kicks the doors of the blue dorm open "UNCLE JACK" she yells. Sapphire kept following her out of breath, Jack's ears perked up "who the hell is that". Yubel gets to them, after getting Sapphire in her arms "My Princess, calm down", Yusei shrugged "Dunno". Jadey pouts "either I hurt him or dad because of those condoms we used that he gave to mom and dad", Sapphire tries to regain her breath. Jack sniffs "smell like Jaden but smaller and feminine, I think its his daughter Jadey", Yubel looks at her "You asked to take them?". 

"Really?" Yusei tilts his head, Jadey pouts. Jack nods "should we see what she wants", "You did or not, Princess?" She asks, holding Sapphire tight in her arms. Yusei nods "She was calling for you after all", "yeah and we're both pregnant" Jadey looks at her "uncle Jack gave mom and dad prank condoms". Jack nods and walks to her "she sounds pissed as hell", "Oo-okay you have a right to be mad at him" Yubel says. Yusei nods, Jadey took off again. Sapphire was purring in her sleep, Jack kept walking. Yubel smiles and kisses her forehead, before walking after Jadey, Yusei walks by Jack's side. Sapphire purrs louder, Jadey sees Jack "uncle Jack why did you give mom and dad prank condoms" she crosses her arms. 

Jack looks at her "it was a small joke", Yubel rubs her back as she walks. "Prank condoms?" Yusei asks confused, Sapphire purrs even louder. "uncle Jack gave mom and dad that box at the baby shower and now mine and Sapphire's parents are going to be grandparents" Jadey growls, Jack blinked "why were you using those you two are to young for that action". Yubel smiles down at her, then hearing Jack's words she blushes and hides her face behind Sapphire's head "Thought it was safe", Yusei jaw drops "Whaaat?". "you didn't look at the box did you" Jack crossed his arms, Jadey shook her head no. "No" Yubel says, Yusei face palms "My Ra". Jadey pins her ears down, Jack signs "well you better tell your parents, I'm not taking the blame". 

A shiver runs up Yubel's spine at the mention of the partners, Yusei smiles and places a hand on Jack's shoulder "Good luck" he says at them. Ruby carbuncle comes out 'you gonna tell your parents or should I', Jadey looks at Ruby as fear was all over her face. Sapphire was still asleep not hearing the commotion, Jack felt the pups kick and rubs his belly. Yubel shakes her head her face pale white, Yusei looks at him curiously. Ruby crosses her paws 'they'll be showing in 3-4 months', Jadey whines. The pups kicks harder and Jack whines "I think they want daddy's attention to", Yubel smiles nervously "it has time". Yusei smiles and places a hand on Jack's belly "There there, daddy's here, don't hurt mommy", 'but scent doesn't, Jesse already has the pregnant scent' Ruby pouts. 

The pups nuzzle their fathers hand as Jack purrs still loves his belly being rubbed, "You have a point " Yubel sighs "Guess it's sooner than later then". Yusei chuckles as he continues, then his stomach growls, 'both girls have the scent now' Ruby said. "looks like daddy's hungry" Jack giggles, "Okay Okay, we're going, God sometimes I don't know who is older me or you" Yubel says as she takes Jadey's hand, squeezing it gently. Yusei blushes, Ruby rolls her eyes. Jadey jumps, Jack chuckles then his stomach growls and its his turn to blush. Yubel looked down at her soothingly "I'm here. It will be okay", "Aha" Yusei laughs pointing at him "Looks like mommy's hungry" he copies Jack's words earlier. 

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