▪︎part one▪︎

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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.

He got eight of them.

Y/n gazed out the window at the soft droplets of rain that crashed against the glass before sliding down to an unknown location. They reminded her very much of herself. Forever pounding against a barrier trying to get in, only to fail again and again. Never able to get back to the place she so desperately wished to return to. Or should she say time. Painful memories hit at the back of her mind like a pebble hitting her scalp and she pushed them away before her tears mimicked the weather. Though this future was inevitable for as soon as she turned on the TV she was met with terribly conflicting and unnerving news.

Moments ago, police reported the death of the most eccentric and reclusive billionaire.

A picture of her father appeared on the screen followed by the story of his death and how it would affect the community. She felt relieved in a way. Like a great monster had been rid from the world, which in a way it had. After what he had done to her she felt justified in her feelings and had every right to. However it was still her father and she felt like she had cared for him in some sick twisted way. He was the only father figure she had unless you counted Pogo who was more of a friend to her than a father. The father she had come to hate and resent still had a place in her heart as he had in all of her siblings.

She let her thoughts drift to them. She made sure to keep in touch with all of them as much as she could, which was difficult seeing as one was on the actual moon. She visited Klaus the most she had to admit, his almost daily visits to jails and hospitals calling for the most attention. She always bailed him out or covered him with the insurance she got from her job and she felt responsible for him. He may be a druggie and stupid and downright selfish sometimes but beneath that she could see and feel his pain. His powers were the most harmful to himself next to Ben and Ben was gone. She didn't know if his powers would cause him the same fate. So no matter how many times he got into trouble, she came to his rescue.

Next was Vanya. She cared deeply for her poor ordinary sister, who had been exiled by all her siblings except Y/n. Though she had to admit, the influence of the other kids and her father had a larger affect on her as a child, making her sometimes ignore Vanya too. But as she grew she realized her mistake and tried to correct it, unlike her siblings, who would rather stick to their old ways instead of putting the effort towards fixing it. Vanya understood that and respected Y/n's honesty and they became best friends after that. Vanya was now third chair in the orchestra and Y/n had gone to every concert she could. Vanya's music was beautiful and she often scheduled lessons with her sister to try and learn to play. However Vanya insisted she came whenever she felt like it and refused the money Y/n had offered to pay.

Diego had refused time and time again to meet up with Y/n. "The people need me, I don't have time for this." He had claimed, sounding very much like Batman trying to protect Gotham. He had become a vigilante who still fought crime like the old days. Though he ran into trouble and jail time a lot more now that their father didn't justify his actions. Y/n still checked in with him to make sure he was at least alive before letting him go off and be his stubborn self.

Allison was quite famous and grew up to be the beautiful adult Y/n had claimed she would be. Allison always hated hearing this, claiming Y/n was just as beautiful if not more. They always had disputes like this, friendly compliment wars between sisters. Allison and Y/n hadn't been as close when they were children, Allison usually spending her free time with Luther. However once Allison became famous, she turned to someone she knew she could trust in the sea of paparazzi and reporters. Y/n was there when Allsion married Patrick and had her daughter, Claire. She was still there for her when Patrick wanted to divorce. She had helped Allison through it and fought on her side for Claire. However nothing would work and Y/n found herself at Allison's place a lot more, just trying to make sure she wasn't alone during this dark time in her life.

However Y/n truly thought there was only one person who could fix her. And that was The Man on the Moon. Y/n had kept in touch with Luther, while he still lived with their father and once his letters stopped she went there in search of him. Reginald had refused to tell and dismissed her without another word, still angry at how she had left the academy. She later found out from Pogo that her poor brother had gone to the moon and that's why she couldn't contact him. But that didn't stop her. She kept sending letters to the academy in hopes that her mom or Pogo might take pity and send them off somehow.

Finally she thought of her final two brothers, both of which she hadn't seen for many years. Ben had died long ago and on some quiet, uneventful sundays she went to his statue at the academy to pay her respects. She still mourned his death, wearing black every anniversary and setting out flowers as often as she could, and asking Pogo to do so when she couldn't. Ben hadn't deserved what had happened to him. He didn't even like to use his powers. If their father hadn't had pushed him, Ben might still be with them and not just in Klaus's head.

However the boy she cared for the most was gone for good, not even a fragment of him as a ghost. She had loved Five. She missed him everyday and hated life without him. And so she felt stuck, unable to break through the barrier. Like the rain that fell.


She snapped back into reality as the news story changed, quickly shutting off the television and standing up from the chair, trying to collect her thoughts. She knew she had to go back to the academy, but this time felt different from her short visits before. This time all her siblings would be there and it would actually feel like the academy did so long ago. She didn't know if she could handle it. She had to though. This could be that last time to actually see her family together again. Without another thought, she packed a bag before leaving towards the home where her hellish childhood took place.

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