▪︎part fifteen▪︎

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"Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you." The doctor persisted. Five was growing more and more irritated with each word coming out of the doctor's mouth and Klaus was proving to be of no help to them, only getting the same responses out of the doctor. "Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." Five grunted, on his very last nerve.

Y/n sat in the chair next to Klaus, where Five was supposed to have sat when they first entered the room but after the heated argument he got in with the man, he refused to sit and Y/n took it becoming agitated with the doctor. Klaus sat silently in the chair, his hands folded his lap professionally as to keep the charade going. She looked at him and he looked back giving her a subtle wink before turning back to the man.

"Well, that's not my problem." The doctor responded. The energy around Five turned lethal and Y/n almost stood to hold him back but Klaus quickly jumped in, leaving both Five and Y/n perplexed. "And what about my consent?" Klaus demanded inaudibly. "Excuse me?" The doctor asked unsure if he had heard Klaus correctly. Klaus stayed seated and Y/n kicked his leg worried and untrusting of Klaus's control over the situation. "Who gave you permission," Klaus continued, voice breaking, "to lay your hands on my children?" He said pointing towards the two. Klaus frowned, chin quivering like he was on the verge of tears and Y/n had to admit his dramatic nature was definitely coming in handy now.

"What?" Both the doctor and Five asked taken aback by this accusation. "You heard me." Klaus said looking towards Y/n. She finally understood why he had winked at her and she suddenly had full trust in whatever he was doing. He had a talent for getting what he wanted, especially when he had a plan. "I didn't touch your son. Or your daughter." The doctor argued but Klaus refused to give in. "Well how'd he get that swollen lip, then? And what about that hand print on my sweet little girl's cheek?" Klaus snapped sitting up from the chair.

"She doesn't have a hand pri-" The doctor began to insist but was stopped mid sentence as Klaus turned to Y/n and slapped her hard across the face. She was dumbfounded and hurt by the action and slowly brought her hand to her burning cheek. There was definitely a hand print now. Five began to protest, not liking any solution that involved Y/n being harmed but Klaus just turned to him and punched him in the jaw making Five's head roughly turn to the side from the force. Five wiped the blood from his lip sending a glare to Klaus.

Y/n and Five exchanged concerned looks unsure whether to go along with Klaus or escape while they could but they didn't have much time to debate as Klaus immediately continued unfazed by the abuse he had just englicted upon his "children". "I want it. Name, please. Now." Klaus commanded resting his hands on the desk and leaning towards the man. "You're crazy." The doctor said pointing his finger accusingly at Klaus as he moved away from their brother like he was a wild animal. Klaus chuckled nodding, "You got no idea." He replied looking down. The man followed his gaze and watched as Klaus plucked a snow globe from his desk.

"'Peace on Earth'. That's so sweet." Klaus read shaking it softly in his hand and smiling at the man. "Uh dad?" Y/n asked standing up before Klaus took the globe in both hands, slamming it harshly into his forehead. Five jerked away horrified, putting his arm in front of Y/n as glass mixed with blood and glittery water poured to the floor. Klaus grunted and cried out in pain grabbing his face which was probably in agony. "God that hurt." Klaus groaned squinting his eyes trying unsuccessfully to block out the stinging in his face. They watched in a mixture of horror and concern as Klaus snatched the phone from the doctor who began to dial security.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled as Klaus brought the phone to his bloodied and glittered head. "There's been an assault in Mr. Big's office, and we need security, now. Schnell!" Klaus yelled into the phone, putting his hand into a fist, which he jerked down into the air before slamming the phone down on the desk. "Now here's what's gonna happen, Grant." Klaus leaning menacingly over his desk. "It's Lance." The man corrected, not that Klaus cared. "In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder, 'What the hell happened?' And we're gonna tell them that you," Klaus paused leaning down more before crying, "beat the shit out of us." He finished leaning away with a shaky sob.

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