▪︎part fifty five▪︎

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The car pulled up, partially over the sidewalk outside their home as the brothers rushed out of the car. Five trailed behind, worried for his sister but after losing Y/n he felt weak and absent from the present world. "Come on! Let's go!" Klaus said, running ahead to open the door. "I don't think she's breathing!" Luther cried. "If we don't get her upstairs she's going to die." Klaus told them as though the situation wasn't urgent enough. The three brothers disappeared behind the door, leaving Five alone at the bottom of the steps.

The universe must've been pulling a cruel joke on him. It had to be, for he found himself in the very same spot where he first lost Y/n. At the steps leading up to the academy. He fell to his knees, as he looked up at the doors that held the symbol they all represented. Yet again he felt alone. He felt separated from her and he couldn't stand it. Why did she have to die?

Unable to bear anymore, he stood and walked inside, seeing that his family was no where in sight. He stepped further into the room, each step weighing down on him as he began to see Y/n in every part of the room. It hurt so bad. He pushed on, deciding to go to the source of his pain. The stairs looked so much bigger than they did before as he slowly climbed them. He remembered the time he and Y/n had sat on one of the steps, with their favorite book. Y/n had read to him a lot in their spare time trapped in that house and he loved the sound of her voice as she got into the literature.

Turning away, he walked over the step and continued on, beginning down the hall. The sound of his siblings' voices grew closer but the ringing in his mind seemed to tune them out as he glanced into the room they were in. He looked away before walking again, so close to the room he was seeking out. The room that had given him butterflies as a child. The room he would visit more than his own. The room where Y/n grew up.

Yet again he found himself standing outside the door, hesitant to enter. He felt like a teen again. He felt all the anxiety he felt when he first came to her. She was missing training and he felt a worry he had never felt before. One that made him sick to his stomach, one he couldn't get off his mind. He remembered it was the first time they had really talked. The poor boy he was in his younger years was unsure of how to cope with his feelings so he avoided her until that point. He remembered how she had made him laugh and how special he felt when she used his powers. He remembered how pink she got when he called her love. He remembered it all.

Reaching out for the handle, he bit his lip to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. The door creaked open, giving way to an empty and cold space. It was dark, unlike how he had seen it before. He walked in, clicking on a lamp but it didn't seem to conjure the shadows the same. He sighed, sniffling softly as he rubbed his eyes harshly. His eyes were sore and his heart ached but he continued into the room, not willing to let go of her. His gaze landed on the bed, the familiar softness of it, already enclosing him.

He remembered telling her that it was too soft and that he didn't understand how she could sleep on it. However what stuck with him the most was the playful pout she gave him as she replied. "Well guess you'll have to lay on me then." She had replied before pulling him onto her. His heart pounded the way it had so many years ago when he looked up at her. He sat on the bed, almost feeling the way she had traced shapes on his back. He remembered the tenderness of her touch. Everything about her was beautiful.

He fell back into the bed, the pounding in his heart fading away as he let his hands drop at his sides. He felt defeated. So utterly defeated. The tears he had tried to stop now trailed down the side of his face as he stared at the ceiling. Like most children of their era, Y/n had the nostalgic glow in the dark stars scattered all over the ceiling above her bed and in the dimness of the room, Five could see some of them glow. He wondered how she had felt seeing the stars. If they had given her some kind of hope in the hell she lived. He wondered what she had thought of when she saw them. Wondered selfishly if she had thought of him.

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