▪︎part fourty six▪︎

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Her breath was forced out of her chest leaving her dizzy and speechless as she reached out for Five. He had a concerned expression on his dirty face that was covered with scuff marks and ash. His hair was blown wildly and his eyes seemed more panicked than angry, giving her some hope that maybe he hadn't saw. He grabbed into her arms, holding her steady as she looked between him, the girl and her partner who had gone through some drastic changes. "What the hell happened here?" He questioned over the little girl's screams. "I-I don't-I'm sorry, I didn't know what-what else to do-I-he wouldn't listen but-" She stammered desperately trying to explain. She felt her world crumbling around her and Five's calmness was making her feel even worse.

"We'll talk later, for now we need to get out of here." He instructed grabbing her hand. "We can't leave without Gray." She cried turning back to the boy laying on the ground. "I changed-I don't-we can't leave him!" She yelled, dragging Five over to him. Five knelt down, looking over Gray, confusion clear on his features. "Who is this?" He questioned looking up at Y/n. The girl's screams cut into their conversation making Five stand and walk over to the case on the ground by the door. Y/n wasn't sure if it was Gray's case or one that Five had brought with him but she knew what he was planning when he placed the case on Gray's chest. "Hold on." He instructed lining his hands up with the latches of the case.

The girl's screams cut out, being replaced with the sound of electricity buzzing in her ears before the harsh force of their landing cracked on her ribs, making her injury burn in irritation. "Jesus!" A familiar voice cried as Y/n groaned sitting up. Gray still lay unconscious below her and Five winced, pulling himself off of the case. "You guys, am I still high, or do you guys see them too?" Klaus questioned as Y/n checked over Gray to make sure he wasn't hurt. "Where have you two been?" Luther asked as he and Allison stepped forwards. Five rolled off the table collapsing on the floor. "Are you alright?" Allison asked worriedly as she glanced up at Y/n. Y/n stared down at Five guilt weighing heavily on her heart as she watched him ignore her. "Who is this?" Luther asked looking over at Gray. "Irrelevant." Five answered as he took Allison's coffee from her. "His name is Grayson." Y/n corrected making Five stare at her. "So you two just kidnapped some kid?" Diego asked stepping closer to him.

"He's not just some kid. I-I turned him into a kid somehow." She stammered. Five scoffed, "Somehow." He repeated. "We don't know if that's why-" Y/n tried to defend. "Either way you shouldn't have done it." Five snapped. Their siblings stared in a mixture of confusion and horror as the fought. Five was never this cold to Y/n, most of them honestly thought he would rather die than be mad at her. Yet here he was, glaring harshly at her and treating her with the same cold demeanor they all received. Five turned away drinking his stolen coffee in multiple loud gulps as he viciously chugged it. The confused and concerned family members stared unsure of what to do as he turned back to them, "So the apocalypse is in three days, and the only chance we have is to save our world is, well, us." Five explained.

"The Umbrella Academy." Luther mumbled. "Yeah, but with me obviously." He snarled. "And Y/n." Luther added remembering that Five had told him she wasn't found among their bodies in the future. Y/n looked down figuring now wasn't the time to share her new found powers. "And because the world is ending, now is not the time to have family issues." Five barked, glancing over at Y/n. "So if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves, we're screwed. Who cares if Dad messed us up? Are we gonna let that define us? No." Five said looking over his family who looked at each other knowing he was right. Y/n couldn't bare to look up at Five. She hurt him and she knew the only reason he was ignoring the issue and not losing his mind was because he was putting his full focus into stopping the apocalypse.

"And to give us a fighting chance to see next week, I've come back with a lead. I know who's responsible for the apocalypse." Five explained pulling a paper from his pocket. Allison reached out her hand for the paper and Five gave it to her, sighing. "This is who we have to stop." He explained as she opened the paper to reveal an order from the Commission. "Harold Jenkins?" Allison read aloud confused as to who the man was. "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"

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