▪︎part eighteen▪︎

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Five felt like he had been ripped in half. The jump left his body in pure agony and his senses went numb as he screamed for help. He felt his body go limp as Allison and Luther rushed into the room. "What happened?!" Allison cried referring to the large earthquake that had erupted throughout the house moments before their arrival. She heard Five screaming and wondered if maybe he had been harmed in the not so natural disaster.

Luther rushed forward, putting a protective arm in front of Allison as he scoured the area for a threat. But his arm dropped as soon as he caught a glimpse of the scene before him. Y/n bleeding out in Five's arms as his whole body shook in intense sobs. Allison gasped and put her hand over her mouth, absolutely horrified. There was so much blood. "Oh my god." She croaked in a trembling voice. Luther stepped forwards trying to keep his composure as he grabbed the small girl from his brother's arms.

Yet again he felt the faint remembrance of his love for her. She was so small, so defenseless. He felt the overwhelming need to protect her, like he had all those years before. Before Five. Those countless missions where he would sacrifice everything for her. He really had loved her. Ever since that mission.

Y/n and Luther exchanged timid glances as they stood before their father's desk. He didn't look up at them, instead writing vigorously into his notebook, where he collected most of his data on them. Their mother stood behind them, keeping her distance as she had been scolded many times before for not doing so. Had their father not been there, she would've taken both of them into her arms until their smiles returned. But she had to listen to Reginald.

"Sir, the children." She said making Reginald aware of their presence. He looked up, only for a moment before returning to his data. "Ah yes. Number One, Number Eight, this mission is strictly experimental and should any factor change, you are to vacate the premises. Is that understood?" Their father questioned. The two had been briefed for the mission earlier so they knew what needed to be done but both were anxious and unsure about the idea of a mission without their siblings. It was unusual and pretty much unheard of for it to just be the two of them when the full force of the academy was capable of attending.

"Yes, father." Luther answered. He wanted to seem strong in front of Y/n. Not just physically strong, he was pretty good in that department, he wanted to be strong in will. He wanted her to know she could depend on him no matter what happened during their upcoming mission. However she had always been more strong willed then him and he couldn't help but admire her as she stepped closer to their father's desk. This simple action seemed to flip a switch within the room and everyone froze. Even their father seemed shocked as he stared up at his daughter.

"Why is it just us two? If this is a threat worthy of even one of us then we should all go." She accused. She had never been afraid to confront their father and Luther had mixed emotions towards this. Luther respected his dad and give up everything for him. Every decision he made was for him and his sister seemed to have no respect for him. He wanted to be mad but he also felt so much respect for her. He too questioned his father but he never dared voice his suspicions. And Y/n had the courage to do it.

"That's none of your concern." Their father countered going back to his writing. "Come along children." Their mother urged, grabbing Y/n by the shoulders. Y/n jerked away, slamming her hand on his desk. "No, it is our concern. We're the ones going on the mission we deserve to know." Y/n snapped gesturing between her and Luther. "Number Eight, that is quite enough!" Their father yelled. It had been the first time their father had ever yelled at them but definitely not the last. Luther was terrified and could only imagine how scared Y/n was. He stepped forwards standing between her and their father.

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