▪︎part fifity one▪︎

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Y/n hesitantly stepped into the room, Five following close behind giving her support. It was a small room at the end of the hall, one that all the surveillance footage was kept, a room they were hardly allowed in. She looked around at the dim space, the few lights doing a very poor job. There was a large table to the far side of the room where many monitors and computer systems were set up, while papers and books stacked the desk beside it. Pogo stepped towards the desk pulling out a key from his coat and unlocking a drawer beneath the desk, something unnoticeable unless one was looking for it. He pulled open the drawer, taking out the journal that had caused so much trouble. But there was something else in the drawer, something that Y/n hoped desperately to see. "Here you are, Miss Y/n." He said handing the book to her. She took it, absentmindedly handing it to Five before walking towards the desk.

"What's this?" She asked holding the mysterious object up. It was an old VCR cassette tape with no name on it, making Y/n even more curious. "I don't think you'll want to see the content of that video." Pogo warned as Five began to skim through the book. "Please?" She asked handing him the tape. With a sense of reluctance, he took the tape, turning to insert it in the player. Y/n watched his movements intently, the anticipation of the next few moments making her anxious beyond all reason. Five looked up at Y/n with a curious and thoughtful gaze before turning his attention towards the monitor.

The video began to play, starting off in an empty room. There was a single metal chair in the center and Y/n recognized it from her dream, or memory it seemed to be. The sound of her father's voice filled the recording announcing the trial number and date, putting it roughly around when she was 5. She stepped closer to the monitor, suspense building up in her, leaving her almost nauseous as she watched.

Her mother suddenly entered the room, walking to the chair, "Come here, sweetheart." She called. A small version of herself entered the frame, cautiously walking towards the chair. Once there, Grace picked her up, setting her in the large chair before leaving the room. "Number Eight, we will be beginning where we left off yesterday. Do you understand?" Reginald's commanding voice questioned. "Yes." She replied in a small timid voice. Y/n stared amazed, having no recollection of these tests in this dark yet familiar room. "Perform your task, as you did yesterday." He demanded. The small Y/n shifted anxiously in her chair, staring up at the camera. "But Daddy-" She mumbled. "Number Eight!" He scolded, not caring whether or not she was scared or even able to use her powers at that time. "Sir, please." Her mother's voice cut in. "It's for her own good. We need to know the full extent of her powers." Reginald explained. Y/n felt sick, a sour taste on her tongue as she watched her terrified mini self rub her arm nervously. The little version of herself seemed to be unable to hear their exchange of words, apparently only hearing what her father put over the speaker.

"Her powers are based on touch, perhaps she just needs the right touch." He wondered aloud. "Number Eight, place your hands on the arms of the chair." He instructed over the speaker. She met his demands, her hands shaking as she did so. Suddenly Pogo entered the room walking over to the chair. She watched as he made his way to her, a sense of relief washing over her younger self's expression. But her eyes soon widened in horror as Pogo began to strap her arms down to the chair, leaving her immobile and defenseless. "Wait, Pogo! Please, please don't! Pogo!" Her younger self screamed frantically as tears began to stream down her face. Y/n looked over at Pogo who watched the video with them, a deep look of regret on his face. She looked back to the video as Pogo left the room and brought back a table, containing a piece of equipment she couldn't quite identify.

However Five seemed to recognize it and a sick feeling developed in him as well. "No." He mumbled to himself in dismay as Pogo attached a headpiece to Y/n's small head. Pogo tenderly placed a rubber mouth guard in her mouth despite her heartbreaking cries. He then turned to the table, flipping a few switches on the device before leaving the room. "No." Five snapped as he made his way to the player. "Touch test, trial one." Reginald announced as the sickening sound of electricity crackling filled the recording. The small girl jolted up as the electricity shocked her, making her body quake in uncontrollable movements. She screamed through the mouth guard before her body collapsed as the electricity left her. She panted, as more terrified and panic-stricken tears fell down her cheeks. "Turn it off now!" Five yelled, unable to bare another second of this animalistic torture being inflicted on her. "Wait." Pogo said as Y/n watched silently, too many emotions running through her.

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