▪︎part fourty eight▪︎

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"I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record." Diego said confidently as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "We gotta get our hands on this file." He continued looking out the window at the surrounding area. Allison scoffed hating the whole leaders act that Luther and Diego constantly gave off. "And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" She asked sarcastically while Five started blankly at the dashboard. His mind wandered back to Y/n, back to when she was seated behind him. Back to when her soft touch grazed his jaw making his heart leap and cheeks burn. The subtle smile on his face immediately turned into a scowl as he realized what he was doing. "I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside." Diego explained trying to prove himself to be a better leader.

"Handcuffed." Allison reminded as Five turned to the two, wondering what the point of the discussion was. Diego sighed becoming annoyed, "Whatever. Here's the plan." Diego began before Five cut him off. "Plan? I'm just gonna blink in and get the file." Five said, not wanting to entertain his brother's elaborate plan. Time was running out which called for an efficient and quick course of action. "No, that's not-you don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?" Diego tried to reason, not wanting his thunder to be stolen. This was his chance to be a hero. To be the leader. To be everything he had worked for. "I literally just did this yesterday." Five countered. "What?" Diego questioned. It was clear that Five was more qualified to do this but Diego wasn't giving in so easy. "My yesterday, not your yesterday. It'll take me two seconds. Why don't I just go?" Five argued growing tired and becoming too weak due to his injury. Allison sighed giving up on the boys and wondering if there was even a chance that they would save the world. "Listen to me. You are not going in there. I made a call. That's what a leader does. He leads." Diego explained making both of his siblings roll their eyes as they gave up trying to convince him.

Diego climbed out, heading down the alleyway beside the station leaving Allison and Five alone in the car. Deciding it was the best time, Allison leaned forward looking towards Five. His eyes were downcast shifting occasionally as he thought. She wondered if he was thinking of Y/n. She had always envied their relationship as a child and hoped to one day have a love as strong as theirs. But once seeing how broken Y/n was left without him she partially feared caring for someone that much. She saw Y/n suffer silently without him for 17 years. Even if she didn't show it or hid it behind her caring nature and focused on their problems instead. Allison had always saw. One day she had thought she found a love like theirs. She loved him unconditionally and they started a life together. But she realized it wasn't the same. The only person she would truly love for the rest of her life was her daughter. And that's all she needed.

But Y/n only had Five. Five was the only person who made her feel complete. The only person she would go to the ends of the earth or walk through hell for. The only person she had almost died for. And Allison knew without him she would become the shell of a person she had been for those 17 years she was alone. She had to help her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She started making Five snap out of whatever he had been thinking about. "I don't see how that's relevant." He said coldly making Allison sigh, already knowing this would be difficult. "You were thinking of Y/n weren't you?" She replied. Based on his body tensing and his eyes shifting away from her, she knew she was right. "What does it matter?" He sighed. "I know you're still angry at her and you have every right to be. I'm not saying you have to forgive her but-" Allison stopped as Five snapped his head towards her, giving her a brutal glare. "And I won't be so thanks for the advice." He snarled making her stare at him, jaw slacked. He turned away letting an uncomfortable silence fill the car as Allison's blood boiled. "How can you be so cold?" She snapped. He kept his back to her, not wanting to grow emotional but she took this as a sign of disregard, making her even more irritated. "How could you?! Do you know how much she loves you?! I had to watch her suffer for 17 years!" Allison yelled. Five whipped around, his eyes growing red from the tears that threatened to fall. "You think I didn't feel the same?! Letting her go was the hardest thing I have ever had to do! I lived 45 years without her, hoping and praying that one day I might just see her face, one last time! And I came back! And she was there..." He trailed off, wiping hastily at his face before he could start crying. "I thought we could go back to what we were." He confessed becoming choked up as his eyes became misty. "But-but when she-" He stopped unable to say what she had done. That simple action had broken him beyond words and he couldn't breathe as he ached to fight the urge to sob relentlessly.

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