▪︎part twenty three▪︎

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The giddy feeling remained in Y/n's system even as she finished stitching Five's arm. She usually didn't like seeing him hurt and she still didn't, but she couldn't be mad at him. After what he had said, she was too happy to be anything else. Five stood up from the bed once she was finished and put a small bandaid over the stitches. Y/n was going to protest and insist on wrapping it properly but Five had already moved onto putting on his shirt and vest.

She looked down at her bloodied clothing knowing she needed to shower and change. Five pulled on his academy coat and Y/n laughed a little. "You know I can buy you different clothes if you want. Being a surgeon has it's advantages." She said and he shook his head. "It's alright. I don't think we have time to do something of such minimal importance. These clothes are sufficient." He replied and Y/n shrugged. "Well do we have time to stop by my mother's house? I need to change and I'd prefer to get out of this uniform." She said gesturing to her blood soaked clothes.

"Of course, love. Are you sure you're ok to travel?" He questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine trust me." She smiled. She had been ignoring the pain in her abdomen this whole time for Five's sake and she didn't intend to let the charade end yet. "Alright." He replied stuffing Delores back into the duffel bag before going to the window. "We'll leave through here. I don't think Luther will take kindly to me taking you so soon after your injury." Five explained and she nodded knowing he was right.

"I don't think he takes kindly to you in general, sweetheart." She said taking the bag from him so that he could climb outside. "That's true." He grunted landing on the fire escape. He then reached out his arms for Y/n and she sat on the window sill, letting his hands rest on her waist. "But he's just mad that I got you." He finished setting her down on the fire escape. She smiled at him and was going to reply before a familiar voice yelled out into the alley, cutting her off.

"Dammit, where's Dad's stuff!" A voice yelled partially muffled from the cigarette in his mouth. Y/n peaked over the railing to see Klaus digging through the trash and she looked to Five. Five shrugged before grabbing the duffel bag and beginning to climb down. "Do we have to bring the doll?" Y/n questioned and Five chuckled continuing his way down. She followed shaking her head and the sounds of trash being pushed around filled the alley.

"Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!" Klaus yelled angrily. Y/n figured he was talking to Ben, something she tried doing a couple of times and rarely did successfully since she wasn't used to being high like Klaus was. "I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me. I don't care." Five said climbing down the ladder."Hey, there are easier ways out of the house, buddy." Klaus joked. "This one involved the least amount of talking. Or so I thought." Five said jumping down off the ladder. "Five, come on you don't have to be so mean." Y/n scolded, leaning against the railing of the platform above Klaus. Klaus looked up at Y/n and grinned slightly shocked at her presence.

"Y/n! You're awake! I thought you were hurt what are you doing leaving the house?" Klaus asked genuinely concerned for his sister. "I'm fine. There's things more important than rest right now." She said beginning to climb down the ladder. The action was excruciating and she had to fight back tears in order to get down but she couldn't let either of them know she wasn't fine.

She reached the bottom and Five helped her down being mindful of her wound. "What are you doing Klaus?" She asked. "Me? Uh nothing just the usual." He smiled and Y/n raised an eyebrow but chose not to question it. "How's Ben?" She asked receiving a mildly confused stare from Five. "Ah he's fine. He thanks you for asking." Klaus smirked looking at the empty space beside him. "Of course, Ben. Five say hi." She said turning to the boy beside her. "Uh hi?" Five asked beginning to think Klaus's influence over Y/n was too strong.

"Hey, hey, hey so you need any more company today? I could, uh clear my schedule." Klaus offered, taking a sip from the flask he carried. "Looks like you've got your hands full." Five said with a forced smile. "Oh this? No, no, I can do this whenever." Klaus insisted before falling back into the dumpster. He sifted through the trash loudly, "I just-just misplaced something. That's all." He explained. "Oh! I found it! Thank god!" He cried popping up with a half eaten donut in hand. The two grimaced as he bit into the garbage with a wary expression.

He swallowed the disgusting substance before smiling at them. "Delicious!" He cheered. Y/n stared horrified at what she had just witnessed but Five seemed more annoyed than concerned. "I'm done funding your drug habit." Five snapped. He began to walk away and Y/n watched as he went towards the van parked at the end of the alley. "Come on! You don't-maybe I just wanna hang out with my brother! Not you." He called to Five and Y/n shook her head, imagining Ben's annoyed look.

"Mi hermano! I love you! Even if you can't love yourself!" He yelled leaning over the side of the dumpster. He spit out the remaining donut knowing Five wouldn't listen and turned to Y/n. "Klaus, you promised me you'd go to rehab." She said disappointed. "I did! I swear I went, they just...didn't fix me." Klaus shrugged. "Klaus it doesn't work like that." She frowned listening as Five started up the van. "Klaus I have to go, but we're not done. Please go by my apartment and at least eat something." She advised and he solemnly nodded hating how he had disappointed her again.

She jumped to the van as Five pulled out of the alley, resting sadly into the chair. "I just don't know what to do with him." She mumbled. "Who?" Five asked. "Klaus. He's been like this for years." She explained. Five sighed keeping his eyes on the road. "Well there's not much you can do. You just need to watch him and help him as much as you can." Five said with a pensive stare which he directed at the road. She nodded looking out the window, "I just wish he'd care about himself a little more." She said worriedly, her maternal instincts she usually had for him shining through her young appearance.

"Look whose talking." Five retorted letting his eyes flick towards her bloodied clothing. "That's different." She defended. "How?" Five questioned. She sighed having been left without a counter argument and looked back out the window. "Look I'm just saying, some people don't want to be helped." Five shrugged. He cared for his brother, don't get him wrong, but drug abuse is something that took time to fix. And time was the only thing he didn't have and couldn't control.

"But he does. Deep down I know he does." She said sadly gazing out at the passing buildings as Five drove down the street. "Don't worry, love. In a matter of days everything will be fine." Five assured, peering over at her with an affectionate smile. "I hope you're right."

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