▪︎part fourty two▪︎

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"I think we should go." Y/n sighed, not wanting to be around for her past self's return. She knew how that story ended. Gray nodded picking up the case and standing up, "Here we can find a motel or something until we get a case-" He paused as a loud whooshing sound filled the air, followed by a clank. Gray turned to the trash can behind them a little startled by the sudden noise. "Speak and you shall receive." He scoffed as he walked over and peeked into the garbage bin. "Come on, really? Handler, you conniving bitch!" He shouted angrily to the sky as he reached into the trash, pulling out a pneumatic tube, much like the ones Handler had shown them. "Why is it in the trash?" Y/n asked. "Because as you know, Handler hates me. And I might be so bold as to assume she has it out for you as well, why else would she pair you with me?" He explained. "You're probably right. From what I gather I was an unwanted tag along in her mind." Y/n sighed as Gray opened the tube.

"Terminate Jane Thompson." He read aloud. Y/n walked over to him, reading the card as well. "Who's that?" She questioned. He shrugged, "Don't know but there's and time and place and that's all we need to know." Gray answered, lifting up the case. "Where to?" She asked, placing her hand on the case. "Washington, 2015." He answered with a smile before they were zapped away.


The man cried out as Y/n drew back her fist, holding the man by his collar. "Where's the hostage?!" She screamed at him. His already broken nose streamed blood and he looked up at her through his swollen eyes. "I-I don't-" She cut him off by lifting him high into the air, his feet barely grazing the ground due to her height but her strength made up for it. "Where?!" She shouted as her siblings began to crowd behind her. "The-the back room. The key is in the top drawer of that desk." He confessed, terrified of the superhuman girl. She dropped him, turning to her brother. Diego nodded running off to find the key and help the hostage. Ben and Klaus followed after him while Allison and Luther worked on collecting the surviving thugs. Since Five disappeared, the two had been growing closer. It left a numb feeling in her heart yet everything felt numb nowadays. She sighed, walking out of the warehouse into the cold night air.

Her breath made a white cloud in front of her face and her thin suit which protected her from most threats was defenseless against the cold. But the cold was ok to her. It reminded her that she could still feel. She stared blankly at the night sky, pollution hiding most of the stars but the moon was still clearly visible. She felt so empty. All the things she used to enjoy now didn't even make her blink an eye. Without Five to enjoy them with what was the point? She let her eyes drift down to the streets of their city. The city they fought to protect. Why did they? Because their father said to?

A rustling made her attention snap the dumpsters beside the warehouse. She quickly made her way to the noise, worrying that one of the thugs had escaped and was hoping to make a break for it. As she had feared, a figure darted out from behind the garbage bins, running for the alleyway. She chased after the figure, quickly catching up with them and tackling them to the ground. They rolled as the figure tried to escape but eventually Y/n got the upper hand, sitting on top the firgure, keeping them from escaping. "Not so fast." She snarled, retracting her fist threateningly. But she was shocked to see that instead of a middle aged thug, the figure below her was an older man. He stared at her with wide eyes and his mouth was agape as though he was surprised he had been caught. "Who are you?!" She barked. The man blinked, clearly overwhelmed with an internal battle with himself. She recognized some emotions wash over him such as sadness, worry, shock. But one made her bones chill as she stared into the man's eyes.

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