▪︎part twenty▪︎

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The room was so quiet as Klaus stepped in. The beeping from the monitors and Y/n's soft and steady breathing were the only sounds aside from Klaus's feet which dragged as he stumbled into the room. He was clearly high again as he walked lightly on the ball of his feet towards his sister. He had been told of Y/n's condition once Allison had found him yet his frazzled mind hadn't fully understood the seriousness of the situation. But once seeing his dear sister lying upon the bed, bandaged and unconscious, he sobered up immediately.

"Oh my god. Oh." He gasped covering his mouth with his hands, rocking on his heels. He turned and paced the space for a moment before turning back to Y/n. "What happened?" He whispered brushing aside her hair. Similar to his siblings before him, he was reminded of the first time this had happened. He had been more distracted and distant but he was still worried. Even then he was distracted. He pulled away, taking a few steps away. And like many times before the small idea of becoming sober struck the back of his mind like a finger flicking his skull. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he never much cared, but Y/n did.

Klaus looked around the room in his scrambled thoughts before noticing a sound he hadn't heard before in the room. The beeping had grown faster and louder, practically pounding into his head. He turned to the monitor then Y/n, whose chest began to quicken in movement. "Uh-Allison?!" He yelled watching as his sister's eyes flickered under their lids.

A loud gasp filled the room as Y/n shot up from the bed. Her chest heaved in heavy, ragged breaths as she looked around the room. Klaus's eyes locked with hers and they stared at each other, both very confused and lost. "Klaus?" Y/n asked, gripping her abdomen in pain. "You're awake." Klaus stated but there was a hint of doubt behind his words as though saying them might change the sudden course of events. She soon gained control of her breathing again and nodded, pulling back the blanket.

"Where's Five?" She questioned beginning to climb out of bed. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don't want to do that trust me. Just relax, I'm sure Five's around here somewhere." Klaus said preventing her from getting out of the bed. "But I need to see him. I need to find out what happened. How we got out of there." She insisted pushing against Klaus. However he was able to easily overpower her in her weakened state and she ended up collapsing into the pillow, grasping her wound tightly.

"Here tell you what, if I see Five I'll send him your way. I have some business to attend to." He said making Y/n raise an eyebrow. "Business?" She questioned. "You know what nevermind, I don't want to know." She groaned. Her wound was probably reopened now and dealing with whatever Kkaus was going to throw at her wasn't her top priority. Klaus nodded before leaving the room, blowing a kiss her way. She came to the conclusion that he was high and dismissed his nonchalance to her injury as him being "not in the right frame of mind."

She sighed taking advantage of Klaus's absence to stand up from the bed and walk to the doorway. Her body ached and she challenged her body's limits as she stepped out into the hall. But as soon as she did she ran into a what seemed like a wall, the impact pushing her back and making her fall to the floor. "Aw fuck!" She cried holding her side tighter. "Y/n what-what are you doing out of bed? When did you wake up?" Luther asked rushing to pick her up from the floor. "A few minutes ago. Where's Five? How did we get back?" She bombarded him as he picked her up.

"I don't know. Five isn't exactly an open book." Luther said taking her back into the room. "Luther no, I need to see Five." She pleaded making him stop. He looked pained for a second before shaking his head. "No you need rest." Luther insisted resuming his trail to the bed. "Luther put me down." She commanded. "Luther." She warned when he didn't comply. "Luther please, come on. He was hurt too, I need to check on him. Please before he gets himself into more danger. Luther please." She begged becoming emotional in his arms.

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