▪︎part seventeen▪︎

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A violent screeching filled the deserted parking lot as Jason whipped his car around, allowing Y/n better access to the front of the store. She threw open her door and slammed it behind her as she ran up to the store. She had a sick feeling in her stomach and she couldn't help but feel the need to find Five as soon as possible. She spatial jumped inside the store, already knowing the door would be locked, and made her way inside scanning the area for any sign of her love.

It didn't take long since he was the source of the only light and movement in the large space. She walked through the aisles making sure to remain silent. She knew Five was an assassin and that sneaking up on him would be close to impossible but when you're angry, you tend to do things that don't seem achievable. She very quietly stalked towards Five, who had his flashlight pointing towards one of the mannequins, and raised her hand. She quickly and harshly rained down his head, sparing no mercy. Five cried out, falling forwards to his knees from the impact.


"Ow! What the hell?!" Five screamed turning to look up at whoever had attacked him, flames burning in his eyes. The flames instantly extinguished once realizing it was Y/n and he seemed more surprised than angry. She smiled satisfied and put her hands on her hips. "Suffer." She replied tilting her head in an innocent manner. He glared at her but he couldn't fight the smile that appeared. He had been so scared that she would never want to talk to him again and that their fight would be the last time he saw her. His smile widened as he stood, bringing her close to his chest.

She was stunned by his action and she found that she had no words to say to him. Her arms hung limp at her side and her eyes became saucers as he kissed her forehead. "What are you doing?" She asked, pulling away. "It's good to see you. I've missed you obviously." He said chuckling softly. She frowned concerned for his mental health before turning to the flashlight which had spun across the floor when he fell. "Ok well, I missed you too, I guess." She mumbled walking over to the flashlight.

She handed it to him, feeling kinda guilty about hitting him. But proud. He directed the light towards one of the mannequins and Y/n looked up at it, not realizing the importance of the doll. "Y/n, this is Delores." Five introduced with a smile. Y/n blinked for a few moments very confused and concerned but slowly the pieces began to fit in her 30 year old mind. "You gotta be fucking kidd-" "No!"

Five grabbed Y/n, ducking to the side behind a clothing rack as bullets rang out in the empty store. Five peaked out cautiously to see who had started shooting before jerking back away from the line of fire. "Shit. It's them!" He yelled. "Who's them?!" Y/n screamed back. Five stood from his crouched position and prepared himself to run out from their hiding spot. "I swear to god, if you go back for that doll, I'll kill you!" Y/n roared as Five dashed out from behind the rack. "Five!" She yelled.

Five frantically grabbed Delores before dashing back to Y/n's side. Y/n glared at the doll before slamming her palm down across Five's face. He grasped his cheek in pain, while keeping a protective arm around the shoulders of the mannequin. "I'll be back for you two." He said to Y/n protectively before setting the doll down gently. "Five, it's a mannequin!" Y/n yelled as the sound of the bullets thundered on. Five ran down the aisle in the opposite direction and Y/n quickly followed him, not wanting to be left alone with the doll or let Five protect her on his own.

The two attackers followed them, firing without mercy as Y/n and Five trampled through the clothing racks. The bullets grew too near and Y/n knew they would have to spatial jump, but Five showed no intention of doing so. Y/n grew anxious as the threat came closer to them. "Look out!" She screamed tackling Five out of the line of fire. They appeared at another part of the store and both were unsure which one had triggered the jump but they were also grateful that neither one had been harmed.

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