▪︎part sixty two▪︎

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Y/n watched hopelessly as Vanya continued to beat on the glass, her breaths growing ragged from how hard she was crying. "Vanya, stop. They won't listen." Y/n pleaded, bringing her knees to her chest. She felt sick to her stomach with worry as the image of Five laying limp on the floor flashed across her mind.

Vanya eventually stopped, letting her hands drag down the glass as her cries silenced. Y/n took a deep breath, trying to steady her rapid heart. When Five woke up, he would come for her. Of course he would. Then they could all clear this up.

'They're still afraid of us.' A voice said suddenly making Vanya gasp and pull herself from the glass. "What happened?" Y/n questioned but Vanya ignored her, gazing into the glass at her reflection. Or her past self. 'Even after all these years. Afraid of our power.' The voice continued making Vanya shake her head. "You're not real." She replied. Y/n looked up at Vanya, quizzically. "Who's not real? Vanya, are you ok?" Y/n said concerned as she slowly climbed to her feet. Being stuck in a dark room for long periods of time can make someone go crazy, but Y/n hoped that's not what it was. Maybe some kind of panic attack? She noticed Vanya had a hard time being in the room, same as her and she was beginning to wonder if maybe she wasn't the only one their father had locked in there.

'We killed Leonard.' Her younger self accused. "Because he lied to us." Vanya explained. She hadn't felt as guilty about Leonard's death. Instead she felt more free knowing that he wasn't there to control her. Or at least she had before being trapped by Luther. 'Not about everything.' Her reflection continued. "What are you talking about?" Vanya asked. Y/n shook her head, "What am I talking about? What are you talking about? You're talking to yourself." Y/n said but Vanya yet again ignored her.

'You know. You've always known. Our brothers and sisters, they're just like Dad, driven to keep us down, a muted voice, isolated from the group, never in the limelight, never the center of attention. It will never end. Not until we act.' The younger her insisted. Vanya stood speechless before her reflection, thinking of the years she had been buried in the shadows. The years she was locked away. Years being the outcast. Was she ready to do that again? Ready to subject her sister to the same fate?

"But they're our family." Vanya said shaking her head slightly. She didn't like the idea her past self was formulating but with each passing second she grew more desperate. 'They fear you now. They're going to keep you in here forever.' The voice persisted. "No." Vanya mumbled shaking her head. Y/n crept forward, cautious not to frighten her sister. "Vanya, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

'Do you remember what that was like? Staring at these gray walls, hour after hour, day after day, while they played together? Do you want to live like this for the rest of our lives?' The younger Vanya questioned. Vanya began to sob again, shaking her head, "No. No." The coldness of all those times alone rushed across her skin as she thought of all the times she had been forced away. Every family photo, every mission, every training session, every game. She was excluded from all of it. The only person to verbally object and actually include her was her sister. One she had killed. One she had imprisoned through association.

Vanya cried harder, beginning to hyperventilate as she grew more frantic. "I can't breathe in here!" Vanya yelled and Y/n quickly rushed to Vanya, putting her hands on her shoulders. "Hey, hey, Vanya! You're ok!" Y/n said but Vanya didn't calm. "I can't breathe in here!" She shouted again, tears falling down her face. 'Then do something about it. Embrace who we are. Who we've been all along.' The voice tempted. Vanya shook her head, looking towards the glass as her heartbeat began to overpower every other sound. "I can't-" She cried making Y/n looking over towards the glass. "You can't what? Vanya there's nothing there. You're ok." She soothed, making Vanya look at her. Vanya stared at Y/n, seeing the concern and worry in her eyes.

Suddenly realization kicked in. If she did what she was about to do, what would happen to Y/n? Would she fight her or help her? Or worse get hurt? Vanya couldn't take any chances. She wasn't going to lose the one person who ever treated her like family. Not again.

Vanya reached forward, placing her palms on either side of Y/n's head. A sharp ringing filled Y/n's ears and she cried out in pain, jerking away and trying to fight the sound. After a few moments of struggling, Y/n froze standing still before Vanya, her eyes completely black.

'Like Dad said. She is a carrier.'

Vanya turned away from Y/n, pacing towards the center of the room. Wind rushing around her, whipping at her hair and clothing as she focused on her racing heartbeat. Y/n stood motionless, dark fog flowing around her, slowly covering the floor around her and crawling up her arms. Vanya focused to block out all the other sounds until the only thing she could hear was her own heartbreat.

She would show them. Show them the monster that they feared. Show them who she truly was. Who Y/n truly was. Together they could be the family Vanya longed for. One without lies and secrets. One that included her and loved her. One where they could embrace each other's powers and not compete. They would become the most powerful beings the world had ever seen.

The room shuddered around them as a force of energy began to radiate around Vanya, mixing around the dark shadows Y/n created. They flowed together but didn't mix, like a container full of water and oil. However unlike the two simple liquids, they're combination produced something bigger. Something more explosive.

The room shook as the lights outside shattered into a mess of sparks and heat. A large crack of metal breaking sounded through the wind and the door toppled over, crashing loudly on the floor. Y/n remained frozen, despite being so close to the disaster, her eyes staring aimlessly forward. It was as though she was a robot, void of any emotion or opinions. She would follow Vanya and prevent herself from getting hurt. Just as Vanya wanted.

Vanya turned to face their escape, her eyes now glowing the opposite color of Y/n's before leaving the room that had brought her so much misery. A room that had bought her sister so much torture. But that too was buried in the shadows, kept a secret from her for all these years. Y/n followed behind Vanya, without a word as they walked down the dim hallway.

They climbed into the elevator and Y/n closed the door before standing silently beside Vanya. The two didn't speak but within her mind, Y/n yelled and tried anything to break free from yet another form of captivity. One that wouldn't be so easy to escape.


Five groaned, opening his eyes slowly and sitting up. His jaw was sore and the whole left side of his face buzzed with a tender numbness. Though his massive headache advised against it, he threw himself up and stood looking around the room. He was in his bedroom? He thought back to what happened but instead of finding answers as to how he had gotten there, he was reminded of his overwhelming amount of rage and he stormed out of his room, one thought on his mind. He was going to find Luther. And he was going to kill him.

He ran down the hall, making his way to Luther's room, the only place his irrational mind could think to look. However his bloodlust was halted as the house quivered under his feet. Instantly all his anger washed away as another thing overpowered his thoughts. "Y/n." He gasped, quickly turning on his heel and running back down the hall.

His heart raced as he flew down the stairs, slamming into the wall as he turned around the corridor, heading back to the room where his love was trapped. If the house was coming down, she wouldn't be able to get out and it would fall on her and Vanya. He had to get down there.



Well guys, we're on the last episode now. The end of the book is drawing closer but I hope you guys will still continue to love this book as much as I do. Writing this book has been amazing and I cant wait until season 2. Enjoy🤟

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