▪︎part thirty seven▪︎

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Five lead Y/n to his bedroom, letting her sit on his bed as he began his calculations. "Do you know where Klaus is? I promised to make him something to eat." She asked beginning to stand up as she remembered. "I think he left with Diego. Besides I don't even think he would want to eat." Five explained. "Oh." She stared at the floor blankly as she sat back down on the bed, hurt that she couldn't fully take care of Klaus. Five stared at her with a saddened expression. He wished he could help her, or even distract her enough to where she didn't hurt so much. But he didn't know how. The only thing he knew to do was to write out the equations in hopes of saving their world. Her world.

He grabbed a piece of chalk walking over to a free space on the wall. Y/n watched as he began to write elaborate formulas on the wall. Somehow she found herself understanding most of what he was doing but she was still a little fuzzy in some spots. She sat quietly watching as he wrote across the wall, taking up every bit of space he could. However in his haste he missed an error that ultimately threw off the entire equation. "Five, just below the graph, check that formula again." She informed making Five furrow his eyebrows and look back at it. "What's the matter with it?" He asked and she stood up making her way to him. He stepped down from the chair letting her take his place before handing her the chalk. "P=586 not 578, which makes the probability of this equation wrong." She explained, scuffing out the wrong answer and writing in the correct one. Five looked over the equation, recalculating with the new information. "How do you know how to do this?" He asked helping her down from the chair. "I don't know. What are these for anyways?" She asked.

"I'm calculating possible people who deaths could prevent the apocalypse." Five answered. "Oh wow, ok." She said stunned. "Would you like to help? I could use it seeing as I've already messed up." He explained holding out the chalk to her. "I don't know. These are people's lives in the balance, Five. What if I mess up, that means an innocent will die." She said, troubled. "That's exactly why I want you to help me." He persisted. She looked at the chalk before slowly taking it from his hand. He stepped down, allowing her to pick up the equation as he moved to the other side of the room to continue else where. She looked over the problem, trying to fully understand exactly what was happening within it before continuing on.

She was nervous about having this much pressure on something she wasn't really good at. However she came to realize she dealt with a pressure like that when they had missions as kids. When she was still getting used to her powers, she was so anxious. This thought gave her a little more confidence, allowing her to pick up pace as her hand scribbled across the wall. Soon she began to move to every free spot available, finding that space was beginning to decrease. Once she exhausted all the space she had she turned to Five, seeing he was on his final wall. "Looks like we're out of wall, baby." She called across the room, as Five continued to scribble on the wall above his bed. "It would appear so, love. But I don't think we'll need it." He mumbled becoming engrossed in the equation. Y/n sighed, dusting her hands and moving over to Five.

"What do you mean?" She asked, stepping up onto his bed, beside him. He put up a finger and his gaze intensified as he wrote out four names. "I mean that I've figured it out." He said, turning to her and smiling. She smiled too before turning to the names. "So who are these people?" She asked as a heavy set of footsteps trailed down the hall towards them. Y/n turned to face Luther in the doorway, who stared up at the two confused. "What is all this?" He asked. "It's a probability map." Five answered, looking over all the work to make sure it was correct. "Probability of what?" Luther asked stepping into the room. "Of whose death could save the world." Five answered. "We've narrowed it down to four." Five said scribbling a circle around the names. "Are you saying that one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asked.

"No but one of their deaths may prevent it." Y/n explained calmly knowing Five was becoming agitated with having to explain himself. "Oh." Luther said softly as Y/n took the chalk from Five, writing out a smaller equation below the four names. Five watched as she did so, catching onto what she was forming. "I'm not following." Luther complained, as Y/n handed the chalk back to Five. "Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum." Five explained waving his hands around. "The butterfly effect." Y/n cut in, putting Five's hands down. "So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them." Five described as Y/n climbed down from the bed. Five climbed down as well, pulling out a small notebook and writing down the circled names. "Milton Greene. So who's he, a terrorist or something?" Luther asked. "I think he's a gardener." Y/n said looking at Five, who nodded in agreement. "You can't be serious." Luther said looking at Five in disbelief.

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